Manuel Pinho, a former Portuguese economy minister embroiled in a corruption probe, was placed under house arrest until he is able to pay a 6 million-euro ($6.8 million) bail.
Pinho was detained on Tuesday in an investigation concerning alleged corruption linked to energy company EDP-Energias de Portugal SA
The prosecutor alleged that Pinho benefited personally when he approved a scheme to compensate EDP for parts of some power purchase agreements, and a 25-year extension of 27 dam concessions without public tender.
The public prosecutor said EDP subsequently sponsored a renewable energy course at a major U.S. university, taught by Pinho, as a reward.
Pinho: was economy minister between 2005 and 2009
Controversial hiring of Pinho by Columbia University
Portugal's main utility EDP said on Thursday that it changed the terms of a 10-year strategic partnership with its largest shareholder, China Three Gorges (CTG)
10 Dec 2021