Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 2:42 p.m. No.15198999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9288

Meryl Streep’s nephew gets off with $250 fine in Hamptons road-rage case


A nephew of Oscar winner Meryl Streep on Wednesday copped a no-jail plea deal over a violent Hamptons road-rage incident — after prosecutors blamed the alleged victim for causing “his own injuries” in the case.


Charles Harrison Streep, 32, pleaded down to a charge of disorderly conduct in the Aug. 24, 2020, East Hampton altercation that allegedly left 19-year-old David Peralta-Mera with serious head injuries. He was ordered to pay a $250 fine and $125 surcharge.


Streep — a son of Meryl Streep’s brother Dana Streep and his wife, Mary — was originally charged with felony crimes of strangulation and assault, but those raps were later downgraded to misdemeanor offenses.


He and Peralta-Mera, then 18, got into a fight in a Chase Bank parking lot in downtown East Hampton last summer after their cars nearly collided.


Surveillance footage appeared to show Streep, who was driving an Audi convertible, shoving Peralta after getting out of his car and rushing up to him.


One of the men is lifted into the air by the other — and they both then come crashing to the ground, the video shows.


Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney Patricia Brosco said in court Wednesday that the video, in part, proves Peralta-Mera was responsible for his own injuries.


“Peralta, a former high school wrestler, caused his own injuries in this case. That’s the People’s determination from not only consulting with the video, with the medical examiner’s office … but with other consultants, with other doctors,” she said.


Streep’s defense attorney Andrew J. Weinsteinclaimed the evidence showed that Peralta-Mera “suffered his head injury when he grabbed Mr. Streep around his legs, hoisted him off the ground in a wrestling move, held him shoulder high, completely perpendicular in the air, and then, (like) something you might see in WWF, body-slammed him to the ground on his back, and fell with him, in the process hitting his head.”


“It’s worth noting that Mr. Streep suffered significant injuries when Mr. Peralta slammed him to the ground, including fractured vertebrae and a concussion,” Weinstein added.


In handing down Streep’s sentence, Justice Steven Tekulsky concurred, “There is nothing that suggests to me that this is not an appropriate plea.”

Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 2:44 p.m. No.15199007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9027 >>9033 >>9057 >>9082 >>9382

Any Aggression Against Ukraine Will Lead to New ‘Massive’ Sanctions, EU Warns Russia


The head of the European Union’s executive commission warned Russia on Dec. 15 that the 27-member bloc has additional sanctions ready if Moscow would invade neighboring Ukraine.


“I want to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Ursula von der Leyen told EU lawmakers on Wednesday, expressing concern over reports of Russia’s “massive build-up of military aid along Ukraine’s eastern border.”


Von der Leyen told the European Parliament that there are already economic sanctions in place targeting multiple Russian sectors due to the country’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula in 2014 and actions since that the West sees as increasingly aggressive.


“There’s a whole set of economic sanctions in place targeting the financial and energy sector, dual-use goods, and defense,” Von der Leyen said.


“Our response to any further aggression may take the form of a robust scaling-up and expansion of these existing sanctions,” she added. “And of course we are ready to take additional, unprecedented measures with serious consequences for Russia.”


She did not elaborate on what form any new sanctions would take.


Also on Wednesday, Ukraine’s Security and Defense Council Secretary Alexey Danilov told news agency Reuters that there is no evidence Moscow is preparing for an imminent invasion.


“Nothing has changed [over the last few days on the Russian-Ukrainian border],” Danilov said during an interview with the network. “There has been some increase in [Russia’s] troop numbers but not critical enough for us to say: this is it, it [an invasion] is going to happen now,” he added.


Von der Leyen’s warning comes days after the Group of Seven (G-7) on Dec. 12 induced a similar warning after it held a two-day summit in the English city of Liverpool.

Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 2:52 p.m. No.15199040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9053 >>9065 >>9109

Decorated Army Veteran and Others ARRESTED by NYPD in The Cheesecake Factory for REFUSAL TO SHOW PROOF OF VACCINATION! Intense VIDEOS!!


Six men, including a decorated army veteran, were arrested in New York City last night after failure to show proof of vaccination.


New York City Police were called by the manager at The Cheesecake Factory in Queens, New York after a large group entered the restaurant without Vaccine Passports and were denied service. They continued to attempt to order food and drinks at the bar counter and from various tables around the restaurant. New York City Police were called.


See arrest video here and full set of videos at bottom of article:


Mitchell Bosch, a retired United States Army veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, was one of the men arrested.


“I served in Afghanistan, I served in Iraq,” said Bosch. “We are fighting an army much stronger than us. The enemy is the politicians, the oligarchies. We have to do civil disobedience in order to get medical freedom. All we want to do is get something to eat and drink and we will gladly get out of here. This is what its gonna take to get America to wake up- people to sacrifice, to get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. Our time is now. This is holding the line- today. We as the people take a stand. Even if it means we go spend a little time behind bars- we will not comply. WE WILL NOT COMPLY. Medical Freedom is not negotiable. Plain and simple. NOT NEGOTIABLE. I fought for this country in order to give everybody the opportunity for freedom- and I am not going to go down. I am willing to die for my country for freedom.”


The six men were part of a sit-in in defiance of the unprecedented “Key to NYC” Vaccine Passport Program.


“This is the civil rights movement all over again,” said Derrick Gibson, one of the men participating in the sit-in. “We are doing a sit-in at the Cheesecake Factory patiently asking to be served like everyone else in the restaurant and we are not moving until we are served. We are tired of living in New York City and being discriminated against.”

Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 2:56 p.m. No.15199059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9072

Joe Biden Gets Touchy-Feely with Young Girls as He Surveys Tornado Damage in Kentucky


Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Mayfield, Kentucky to survey damage from powerful tornadoes that ripped through the region last Friday night.


Nearly 90 people perished, including 7 children on one block, and thousands lost their homes.


Biden arrived to protesters chanting “Let’s go Brandon!” as he exited the presidential motorcade.


Joe Biden delivered remarks after surveying some of the damage and of course he made it about himself.


Biden announced that the federal government will pay for 100% of the cleanup cost for the first 30 days.


He also got touchy-feely with at least two young girls.


“I kid and say, the best thing to ever come out of Kentucky is my sister in law,” said Biden as he put his hand on a young girl’s back.


Joe Biden creeped on a 12-year-old girl holding an American flag.


“She’s 12 years old,” Biden said as he wrapped his arm around her and ogled her.



Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 4:36 p.m. No.15199482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488

Understanding Big Pharma


(Part One of Two, the background)


The first thing that must be understood is these are corporations dedicated to maximizing profit. Therefore, a cure is a strategic nightmare of lost income while a treatment is a solid cash cow. That is the starting point and must be completely understood. Cures are bad, treatments are good, but only if they are on patent, vaccines are best.


The Profit Model


Cure: Kills the cash cow, eliminates the disease and suffering, makes no real profit.


Treatment: Steady supply of income from the people who are suffering from the problem.


Vaccine: Cash cow as the entire population gets the vaccine for maximum, maximum profit.




Acceptable Standard of Care is the key. This is a requirement for doctors and (for example) if a person has high blood pressure, they must at least attempt to prescribe blood pressure medication. If they do not prescribe such meds, they are at risk of a malpractice suit or eventually having their medical license taken away.


So, to maximize drug sales, they have the AMA redefine the healthy standard for conditions such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, depression, testosterone levels and other physical conditions. After that, the Acceptable Standards of Care takes over and doctors are forced to prescribe drugs for conditions that were previously not considered problematic.


The mechanism for this is carefully crafted studies that "prove" a problem exists in order to treat said problem with a patented drug that generates profits for big pharma. The AMA, FDA and NIH all work for big pharma.


The Acceptable Standard of Care will ALWAYS reflect the most profitable solution for the medical industry and research funding will ALWAYS go toward developing patented solutions that maximize profits for the medical industry. Where does the majority of the money come from to do medical research? The government. The National Institutes for Health (NIH) invests $32.3 Billion a year in so-called medical research.




More info, private foundations/charities don't contribute much




Explaining the grant system is too complex for a post like this, but suffice to say that medical universities are the recipients of the vast majority of the money, followed by private (non-profit) foundations and companies. This is a giant slush fund that helps the medical industry maintain its profits by developing new and patented therapies that do not cure disease but rather treat conditions. There are a lot of good, honest and sincere scientists out there who are hamstrung by the system that is in place.

Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.15199488   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Big Pharma Solution Starts Here


(Part Two of Two)


Since the 1940's the medical establishment has been aware of Dr. Fred Klenner's work that proves virus infections can be cured with massive doses of intravenous vitamin C with perfect safety. There goes AIDS, Hepatitis C, viral pneumonia, and Herpes just to name a few conditions that represent extremely high profits for big pharma. This is proven data that cannot be denied! Source (lists his publications):








This is not classified information, this is suppressed information. If the Surgeon General were to issue an order (backed up by POTUS) to the NIH (which falls under the executive branch) to immediately do research on intravenous ascorbic acid, amazing things would happen.


However, the studies must be honest and the protocols must be PUBLIC and subject to comment prior to the studies being run. Otherwise the protocols will be designed to prevent or minimize positive results.


Pushback against this information: The release of information about an "amazing" new (patented) treatments that will cure cancer, a new antibiotic from dirt that will treat infections now resistant to other (extremely expensive) antibiotics. We are currently seeing this pushback in real time, it's designed to distract and take you of topic.


Don't be fooled, they will always push for their patented, high-profit treatments rather than cures.


Arguments Against Doing This Research


It's "disruptive technology" that will force a complete restructure of the medical industry, which is one of the bright spots of the US economy. All the aging boomers who need more medical care has made the medical industry a positive job growth sector and the introduction of radial cures will cause massive disruptions causing job loss.


This research will definitively prove the collusion of big pharma in suppressing cures, causing more research into other suppressed treatments. Intravenous sodium ascorbate is highly effective against certain forms of cancer such as Non-Hodgkins lymphoma and many carcinomas (think IDC- breast cancer).


A vitamin cannot be patented. There goes the global pharmaceutical industry, which is over $1 Trillion in revenue annually. Where the US leads, the rest of the world follows.


Now think Rife machines for cancer, virus and bacterial infections along with EDTA chelation for heart disease. With further research (at very low cost) much of the need for the health care industry is eliminated. That's a $3 Trillion market sector in the US.


Arguments For Doing This Research


We the People deserve to receive quality healthcare to alleviate out suffering.


Ascorbic Acid is already a part of the United States Pharmacopia, there is no need for this to be approved by anyone, no need for safety testing. However, research must be done in order to demonstrate that it is an acceptable treatment for disease, which then makes it part of the Acceptable Standard of Care. This relieves doctors of liability and protects them from a very corrupt medical industry.


If adopted this would radically lower medicare/medicaid costs to the US government and insurance companies. What is the cost of treating Hepatitis C and AIDS, just to give two examples? Expand that to all virus conditions. Intravenous sodium ascorbate is also extremely bacteriocidal, obviating the need for extremely expensive antibiotics.


All this results in a complete restructuring of the medical and healthcare industry.

Anonymous ID: 376502 Dec. 15, 2021, 4:52 p.m. No.15199554   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Monsanto unveils a neonicotinoid-pesticide-resistant transgenic bee