Anonymous ID: 609d87 Dec. 15, 2021, 4:37 p.m. No.15199486   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Pelosi's January Sixth Select Committee

A Swamp Power Grab==


The January 6th Select Committee is a farce. What we’re seeing is show trial material reminiscent of what occurred in the Soviet Union.


Pelosi’s hatred of President Trump is unbounded. She said she would never forgive him for the ‘insurrection’ at the capitol, even though Trump had nothing to do with it. The Democrat’s arm of goons, the FBI, encouraged people into the capitol. Trump called for a safe and peaceful protest. Since those who went into the dome were not BLM or Antifa members, they were smeared by Joe Biden as ‘white supremacists.’


The lies about January 6 continue to be spewed by the Democrats and their corporate media. Their goal is to dampen any comeback attempted by President Trump. The Democrats stole the presidential election and installed a demented and thoroughly corrupt puppet. Pelosi made sure Trump supporters who protested at the Capitol are now rotting in solitary confinement in her DC prison. They are subjected to torture and unusual punishment there. We’re seeing echoes of the infamous Lubyanka Prison in Soviet Moscow.


Pelosi and her committee goons are now grabbing the justice system to consolidate their power.


— Ben Garrison