Anonymous ID: e52a53 Dec. 15, 2021, 8:12 p.m. No.15200366   🗄️.is 🔗kun





#19227 Scrape

>>15198179 Twitter To Punish Users Who Correctly Claim That Vaccinated Individuals Can Still Spread COVID-19

>>15198250 Biden Releases 1,500 JFK Files, Still Over 10,000 Redacted Or Withheld 58 Years Later

>>15198274 L.A. Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Promote ‘Two Spirit’ Sexuality And Child Mutilation

>>15198464 MIT Doctor in UK House of Commons: “Not Safe for People Who Know the Origin of the Pandemic to Come Forward”

>>15198471 Unnamed Chicago Teen Who Stabbed 15-Year-Old to Death Out on Probation

>>15198483 Biden Asks "What's The Big Deal?" About Vaccine Mandates; Says It's "Patriotic" To Take COVID Jabs

>>15198455, >>15198548, >>15198751 DJTjr But No Mean Tweets series

>>15198534 Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve, on cryptocurrencies

>>15198718, >>15198849 ADL tells Fox News to remove Soros cartoon

>>15198732 Rare "extreme" storm slams Plains, Midwest with damaging winds, severe storms

>>15198801 SEC Imposes Tighter Rules On Insider Trading, Buybacks>>15199750