Comet Leonard brings a gift.
Follow wind speed, galactic ripple incoming energies. Individually, collectivily all will start to feel, if not already, a shift, if you will.
Timelines are readjusting, loops are real, but in schumann chart you will see the time edits filling in removed. Think of this like defragging, clean up modality.
Changes happening constantly.
Best advice would be to breathe, pray, close your eyes, go into your heart space as Gods Consciousness is coming and absolutely nothing can stop it.
We have the power, ability to manifest the world we want. Global collective chose freedom, peace, unity and love. Thoughts, intention
Action, frequency
Future, now, reality, present.
It is no longer your truth vs my truth or their truth. We are no longer fractals of information trying to piece the puzzle together. We carry all knowledge within our heart space as we are a part of Source. Source, One Truth.
Buckle up, surf the energies, how ever you spend the next 9 days, know the Love is real and true. We won. Best Christmas ever! Stay authentic!