Alot more shills have been on. Also the doubling down on covid is enraging. Probably going to lose more friends and family due to their inability to see the lies and desire to embrace the fear. No vax here and I will die on this hill.
What do you hear? I have had changing pitch tinnitus for the last couple of weeks.
Anon knows other anons who are openly speaking about fixing things in a board unapproved manner. Shit is going to give and it isn't going to be civil. One match may light a global fire.
Clearly we need more brrrt and boobs tonight.
Devil numbers for Gretchen boobs.
Literally trying sleeping in a faraday cage. Sleep significantly better but the tones won't stop wich makes me think it isn't electronic driven. I suggest EMF material sheets BTW.
I have fewer captcha issues there than here. Took a bit to get the hang of it.