Anonymous ID: f9cda1 May 23, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.1520470   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Two years ago if an Independent Media writer used the term "deep state," we were labeled nut-ball conspiracy theorists, yet now that corruption has been exposed in the highest levels of multiple intelligence agencies during the Obama presidency, we have seen the deep state apologists and the propaganda arm for the democrats, otherwise known as the MSM, forced to report on individuals that are, indeed, members of the deep state.


Like former Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, who according to the DOJ Inspector General, lied to the FBI multiple times, even under oath, and provided unauthorized leaks to the press.


Like Peter Strzok, Chief of the Counterespionage Section during the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server, as well as one of the main instigators of the Russia probe, having to be removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's team after thousands of text messages between him and his alleged lover FBI special counsel Lisa Page were exposed showing a pro-Hillary Clinton, anti-Trump bias, with other texts revealing an inter-agency attempt to take help rig a presidential election, then create an "insurance policy," in the event that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election. That insurance policy was reportedly the Russia investigation.


Other names the propaganda minions in the MSM have been forced to report on include the former FBI director James Comey for leaking classified memos to a friend with the stated purpose of having it "leaked" to those same propaganda minions in the press (Video of him admitting it here); Bruce Ohr for his lying about his meetings with Fusion GPS, which hired Christopher Steele, who created the unverified, Kremlin sourced "Steele dossier," which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC; Ohr's wife Nellie was exposed as being on Fusion GPS's payroll; James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence has been exposed for committing perjury; Loretta Lynch, former Attorney General under Obama for ordering James Comey to misrepresent the Clinton investigation by calling it a "matter" rather than a criminal investigation… the list goes on and on.

Anonymous ID: f9cda1 May 23, 2018, 1:41 p.m. No.1520495   🗄️.is đź”—kun


“It’s very easy to tell the truth when you don’t have anything to hide.” Rochelle Richardson, Diamond and Silk


Consumers of New Media news content should not rest easy. The platforms that you rely on to counterbalance the perpetual fake news and relentless false narratives are being systematically silenced, bled dry by lawfare and now those of us who work endless hours to parse through the news, brainstorm the programs and frame the content are being scrutinized and added to lists of “influencers.”