Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.1520364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0483


Okay, that's reasonable, got it. So the important message for those finding themselves in that position is, document,document, document, otherwise they are shit outta luck. Can't afford to be on the losing team at that point.

Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 1:58 p.m. No.1520623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING=FBI Agent at Mike Flynn Interrogation Is Ready to Testify Against McCabe, Strzok and Comey!


On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied. Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an ambush style interview to take down General Flynn.


Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ produce the transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak and the related 302’s by May 25th. (302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an interview with a subject.)


The recently unredacted portion of the House Intel report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception. The report also revealed the illegal leak of Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General Flynn.


Chairman Grassley is demanding answers from the FBI and DOJ by this Friday the 25th.


In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff:


Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide:

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017 letter, including the transcripts of the

reportedly intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing them; and

2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of Flynn and 1A supporting docs,

including the agents’ notes.


In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview

with Committee staff no later than one week following the production of the requested



Investigative reporter, Sara Carter stated a couple weeks ago that according to numerous law enforcement sources, neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn was lying during their interview with him, as reported. Special Agent Joe Pientka and another “non-partisan” law enforcement officer were present in the Flynn interview per Sara Carter’s sources.


Legal expert, attorney and former special investigator, Joe DiGenova, believes that Pientka may be a good cop based on his actions related to the General Flynn case (see video below at the 6:00 mark) –


Chairman Grassley quite properly wants to see the underlying 302 forms of the FBI agents who did the interview, the ambush interview of Flynn, at the White House during the transition period rather shortly after the inauguration.


It’s pretty obvious that Comey and McCabe got together and decided they wanted to frame Flynn because they believed, they believed, believe it or not, that he was a danger to the Constitution, not them. He was a danger, when all he was doing was communicating with people that he had a legitimate right to communicate with, both as a candidate Foreign Policy Advisor, and as the National Security Advisor Designate, and as a National Security Advisor.


So Grassley wants to see the notes of these people and he wants to interview the one agent who was there who was very, very, very serious about how Flynn did not deceive. That agent that he wants to interview is the agent who went to the Inspector General and complained about the conduct of Strzok and McCabe.



Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.1520662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0677

SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation


An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow announced Wednesday the American Center for Law and Justice uncovered thousands of documents showing Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with Hillary’s State Department through a FOIA lawsuit.


We have uncovered a ‘favor factory’ the ACLJ reported on Wednesday.


SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila May 23, 2018 69 Comments


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An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow announced Wednesday the American Center for Law and Justice uncovered thousands of documents showing Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with Hillary’s State Department through a FOIA lawsuit.


We have uncovered a ‘favor factory’ the ACLJ reported on Wednesday.


There was no firewall between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation as Hillary previously claimed to the public.


Via the ACLJ:


As part of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Deep State Department, we have been informed that the State Department has located – and will be forced to turn over to the ACLJ – literally thousands of documents to and about the Clinton Foundation, its subsidiaries, and its senior operatives during the duration of Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State.


The shear volume alone – some 30,000 emails – debunks the specious assertion that there was any kind of firewall whatsoever between Clinton’s State Department and the Clinton Foundation.


These documents, only now being uncovered through our FOIA request and subsequent litigation, show extensive communications exchanged between Clinton or her senior staff at State Department and Doug Band – a senior aid at the Clinton Foundation and creatorof the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).


In recent court filings, the State Department has revealed that more than 8,700 documents exist in Cheryl Mills’ and/or Huma Abedin’s files which contain the single search term, “Doug Band.” It is possible, and indeed likely, that each document consists of several pages placing the number closer to 18,000 pages or more.


The ACLJ has also learned through our litigation that another 22,000 documents exist in Cheryl Mills’ and Huma Abedin’s files (not including attachments) mentioning or referring to the Clinton Foundation or a related term referencing the foundation.


Newly released documents show Doug Band served as a liaison for Clinton Foundation donors looking for favors and official acts from the Clinton-run State Department, the ACLJ reported.


Doug Band was the ‘go-to’ guy for Clinton Foundation donors. If they needed anything from Hillary Clinton, they would email Doug Band and within minutes he would forward the message to Huma Abedin and or Cheryl Mills to help expedite the favor.



Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.1520751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Obama White House is Running This’ Exchange Between FBI Lovebirds Prompts Grassley to Seek Unredacted Strzok-Page Text Messages


On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to the DOJ seeking the removal of remaining redactions on Strzok-Page text messages.

Grassley gave the Justice Department until June 6th to hand over the requested documents to the Committee.


An exchange between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page quoting a redacted official saying “the White House is running this,” prompted Senator Grassley to seek the removal of remaining redactions to give more context to the conversation.


Grassley said in a letter to Deputy AG Rosenstein:

On May 1, 2018, and May 18, 2018, Committee staff reviewed in camera less redacted versions of the Strzok and Page text message productions provided to the Committee. On several occasions, my staff have requested that the Department of Justice provide the Committee with a redaction key, to no avail. Thus, the Committee is still in the dark about the justification the Department is relying upon to withhold that information from Congress. As one example of redacted material, in a text message produced to the Committee, the price of Andrew McCabe’s $70,000 conference table was redacted.[1] In another, an official’s name was redacted in reference to a text about the Obama White House “running” an investigation, although it is unclear to which investigation they were referring.[2]

In order to see under the redactions, Committee staff had to travel to main Justice to review a lesser redacted version. When viewing the still redacted portions in context with the unredacted material, it appeared that the redacted portions may contain relevant information relating to the Committee’s ongoing investigation into the manner in which the Department of Justice and FBI handled the Clinton and Russia investigations.[3]

Congress, and the public, have a right to know how the Department spends taxpayer money. I am unaware of any legitimate basis on which the cost of a conference table should be redacted. Embarrassment is not a good enough reason. The manner in which some redactions have been used casts doubt on whether the remaining redactions are necessary and defensible.


The White House Is Running This’

Strzok was back in Washington by 7 p.m., in a cab headed to FBI headquarters. His texts with Page, then and the next afternoon, discussed the various other high-ranking officials who had to be briefed — including Bill Priestap and George Toscas, the deputy attorney general in charge of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.


On the afternoon of August 5, Strzok and Page engaged in a tense conversation which involved an imminent meeting with “agency people” — an apparent reference to the CIA. Strzok suggested that, for the new case, they should conduct Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning meetings “with [REDACTED]” just “like we did with mye” — Mid Year Exam, the Clinton probe.


Finally, after some back-and-forth over who should be invited to a major meeting about the new case, a meeting was held. In the aftermath, at about 4:30 p.m., Strzok and Page had the following exchange:


Strzok: And hi. Went well, best we could have expected. Other than [REDACTED] quote: “the White House is running this.” My answer, “well, maybe for you they are.” And of course, I was planning on telling this guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour, but with Bill [Priestap] there, I’ve got no control….


Page: Yeah, whatever (re the WH comment). We’ve got the emails that say otherwise.


FBI lawyer Lisa Page recently resigned from her post; Peter Strzok is still employed by the FBI.


Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer recently brought attention to this exchange from his Twitter account.


Seems to me the headline here should have been the quote cited by Peter Strzok, attributed to a redacted source, saying “The White House is running this”, referring in August 2016 to the opening of the Trump counter-intelligence investigation.


A text from an FBI agent in 2016 says “the White House is running this”, referring to the opening of the Trump investigation, and today’s press corps pays it no attention. It’s amazing the press looks the other way. And they wonder why people think they’re biased.



Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.1520896   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State police pull over tractor trailer, find 88 illegal immigrants inside


Law enforcement officers found 88 illegal immigrants inside the back of a tractor trailer police pulled over near Raymondville, Texas late Tuesday night.


State police stopped the 18-wheeler approximately 30 miles north of the international boundary as it was heading north on Highway 77 toward Corpus Christi.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed the incident to the Washington Examiner on Wednesday.


Police received a tip of possible smuggling activity involving the truck. A state trooper was directed to pull the truck over and after doing so, asked the driver and passenger for consent to search the trailer, CBP told CBS-4.


After opening the truck and finding dozens of migrants, police immediately summoned border officials.


Department of Public Safety officials said some of the illegal immigrants attempted unsuccessfully to sneak out of the trailer through the roof escape to avoid arrest.


Willacy County Emergency Management Coordinator Frank Torres said nearly 90 people were found in the back of the truck. 86 were treated at the scene for heat exhaustion and dehydration. Two others were taken to local hospitals due to severe dehydration.


Those found in the truck were confirmed as being illegally present in the U.S. CBP identified them as Honduran, Guatemalan, Salvadoran, Mexican, and Nicaraguan nationals.


The driver and passenger were arrested on unspecified smuggling charges, but their names have not been released


Willacy County EMS Frank Torres confirm over 50 undocumented immigrants found inside of a tractor trailer on Northbound Highway 77 near Raymondville. No report of injuries at the moment.



Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 2:31 p.m. No.1520914   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fed to vote next week on rewriting Volcker Rule


Federal Reserve governors will vote next week on proposing changes to the Volcker Rule, the central bank announced Wednesday.


A formal proposal would be the first step in the Trump administration's reworking of the rule to ease burdens on banks. The rule, a centerpiece of the 2010 Dodd-Frank reform, prohibits banks from speculative trades.


Four other agencies would have to join in the rewrite, making it a painstaking process.


Regulators are expected to revisit the rules to make it easier for banks to take positions for short periods of time and to generally lessen the reporting requirements involved in the rule.


The Volcker Rule is meant to stop banks from engaging in speculative trading with deposits that are insured by the federal government. It includes exceptions for investment banks that engage in trading on behalf of their customers, for instance by allowing them to hedge against risks or by creating markets for them.


Distinguishing between purely speculative trades and trades carried out on behalf of customers is tricky. Accordingly, the rule is complicated.


Just this week, Congress passed legislation that significantly pared back the rule by exempting all but big banks from it.



Anonymous ID: fa5286 May 23, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.1520939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0949 >>0962

Rudy Giuliani flips, now says he would prefer Trump sit for interview with special counsel


Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal lawyer, did an about-face Wednesday and said he now would prefer the president participate in an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.


“I guess I’d rather do the interview,” Giuliani told the Washington Post in an interview. “It gets it over with, it makes my client happy. The safe course you hear every lawyer say is don’t do the interview, and that’s easy to say in the abstract. That’s much harder when you have a client who is the president of the United States and wants to be interviewed.”


The comments from Giuliani are a reversal from Tuesday, when the former New York City mayor cast doubt on a possible presidential interview with Mueller and his team of prosecutors.


“If they said, you have to do it now, the answer would have to be no,” Giuliani told the Wall Street Journal.


Giuliani expressed concerns that Trump could “talk himself into becoming a target” during a sit-down with Mueller’s office.


The president has expressed a willingness to talk with Mueller, saying May 4 he would “love to” speak with the special counsel.


Giuliani, however, told the Washington Post that Trump sometimes flip-flops between granting an interview and resisting.


“There have been a few days where he says, ‘maybe you guys are right,’” Giuliani told the Washington Post of the president siding with his lawyers who are opposed to an interview with Mueller. “Then he goes right back to, ‘Why shouldn’t I?’”


The former New York City mayor, who recently joined the president’s legal team, said a decision on whether Trump will sit down with Mueller will be made in “the next couple weeks.”


Trump’s lawyers have been skeptical about a presidential interview with Mueller and are working to narrow the scope of questions to issues that occurred prior to his election.


The president’s legal team is also reportedly considering the potential of Trump answering some questions in writing and others in person.


In addition to discussing whether Trump will sit for an interview with the special counsel’s office, Giuliani also addressed the futures of Mueller, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.


There has been speculation and concern among Democrats the president would fire the three.


“I don’t think he is going to make changes. I wouldn’t advise it,” Giuliani told the Washington Post. “Before I was his lawyer, more of his political adviser, we might talk about it. We don’t talk about it all now.”

