wk - missing ee
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Pinned by Michael Salla
Michael Salla
5 hours ago (edited)
A few people have questioned whether the four tweets from the elites are genuine. When I first came across the story in The Void I did some due diligence. First, I found it was a genuine alternative British news source and not satire. Second, the twitter accounts were all genuine. None were fake, and the blue checks were also genuine. This supported the Void's claim that after the tweets were posted by the four elites, they were all deleted. You can confirm the genuineness of the twitter handles of the four elites yourself.
@ProfKlausSchwab https://twitter.com/profklausschwab
@lagarde https://twitter.com/lagarde
@joelkatz https://twitter.com/JoelKatz
@bgarlinghouse https://twitter.com/bgarlinghouse
The Void article can be found here: https://www.thevoid.uk/void-post/did-the-global-elite-meet-in-antarctica-gossip/
Biden Delivers Remarks at a Medal of Honor Ceremony
I ran through them too and also came up empty
Hot Potato
Or they could look for themselves