Post any good videos you have here: >>15129388
There’s already quite a few great videos there. There may be some that you might not have seen yet and perhaps would enjoy.
Post any good videos you have here: >>15129388
There’s already quite a few great videos there. There may be some that you might not have seen yet and perhaps would enjoy.
TY for your amazing insight oh fountain of knowledge.
I don’t really care. I’m just busting random posters balls because I’m bored today.
Who was that preacher in Kansas (iirc) who used to protest veterans funerals and stuff?
NM. Found it. Pastor Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church.
That looks like Joe Exotic, Tiger King.
Watching “The Matrix” right now anons. Which pill should I take?
Oh yeah!
So Morpheus’ ship “Nebuchadnezzar” was built in 2069. Them digits y’all!
Here you go
My son is a USMC Reservist and he was told last weekend (at monthly drill), that he would be given an other than honorable discharge in February. Then he got an email that said he (and other vax refusing reservists) would be considered non-deployable but drill ready. Essentially implied was that they wouldn’t be discharged after all. Well it gets even more complicated with my son in particular. His MOS was initially tanker. Then the USMC got rid of tank units. Since then they have put him in a supply unit, but he’s never actually been sent to school/training for the new supply MOS (which he hates, btw). So they need to send him to MOS school for him to actually be considered drill ready. The problem with that is he can’t attend MOS school unless he’s vaccinated, which isn’t going to happen. His superiors don’t know what to do as they have never been faced with this specific/unique situation. It’s comical really.
Evidently not. There’s a 4 week school for the MOS, but it’s a physical school only apparently. He really just wants to take the OTH discharge and to be done with it all.