This black monster is so fat I can't believe she is a Yoga instructor.
She says white supremacy polluted Yoga.
This black monster is so fat I can't believe she is a Yoga instructor.
She says white supremacy polluted Yoga.
SettingsSecurity> Remove security certificates.
Need background removed…
I get an (error code 422) their server is data mining big league m
Need background removed…o7
All servers send data to Facebook and Amazon that's why I can use because they can't data mine my mobile phone… So I get (error code 422) which mean their server can't read my data.
All servers send your data to Facebook and Amazon that's why I (can't) use because they can't data mine my mobile phone… So I get (error code 422) which mean their server can't read my data.
Check out the movie Black Santa… Ghetto Santa with a shotgun.
Old useless technology … Only dummies use that shit.
My mobile is locked up tighter than anything that company can produce.
Only NewFags won't remove a background for another anon.
Stop being a dummy and get with the program….
Most politicians are dumber than a rock and only think about enriching themselves.
Shut your nigga…
Kristina Karamo has your typical African woman Dumpster Booty.
Hopefully she is the real deal.
I'm Phonefagging you ignorant fucks… My mobile won't let server data mine. (Error code 422) that's what that error means.
2 year old can remove a background so shut your nigga.
Them anons a retarded Bigly.