Anonymous ID: 2daf9a Dec. 19, 2021, 5:48 a.m. No.15218894   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I had a daydream when I was a kid that I would be writing messages on a computer brought to be by government guys in black flown to school by a helicopter.

Anonymous ID: 2daf9a Dec. 19, 2021, 6:06 a.m. No.15218935   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>if the government didn't want to use leary, he would be where his buddies of equal intelligence are today; behind bars.


>Secrets are not more dangerous to those who hoard them.

false, because 'hoarding secrets' is promoting bad behaviour, and you only need time to think.


>while the means to enslave mankind are being manufactured under our noses.

Americans are told to 'equate stupidity to stupidity'

They are told this by jews, because jews are unjustifiable since jews mutilate the genitals of infants.

the 'right under our noses' to 'enslave mankind' is when jews mutilate the genitals of non-jews too. reading it 'figuratively' and 'literally'

(((leary))), (((fuller)))


he is leary, as in untrustworthy

fuller, fuller of shit?


as in jew 'names'


connections not made, because of someone who thought it appropriate to take the name of a country as their surname, as in, also a jew?