>the idea that Biden is hiding people and sucking the blood of children
Ad m yvid to the Sylvester Stallone "Rocky" comms? Could be a stretch. Aired a little while ago on FNC.
@6:46 for those who don't get the reference.
I recall this being testier. Maybe it's just because now I know it's all fake and can't be emotionally sucked in.
Very brief shot of her plunging neckline. Made me doubt myself until I rewound to that spot and confirms I was on the mark. Kek. I'd look into whatever became of her lawsuit but not high on my time priorities list.
Randomly checked DOW Jones (down ~500) and noticed gold price.
>get me through the learning curve quickly?
Hood luck with that part. That I'd like to see (retroactively… already self-taught).
Photo Image Editor Pixelstyle on a MAC, fwiw. Free.