Anonymous ID: 28cee2 May 23, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.1521562   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saw this while surfing normie threads for headlines. Grey pill tactic? Post-proof Qresearch.




"This Q fella sounds like a bunch of BS to me. Seen a lot of posts about gossip and his predictions. Never seen a post proving his predictions are real. Lots of wishful thinking everywhere, but with no substance."




"In order to prove the drops you need to be immersed in the community, and interact with Q so you understand what even constitutes "proof". I've been calling the news weeks and months ahead to fam and friends because Ive been anon with Q from the beginning ( even FBIAnon). I've watched cia endless shilling, and I've followed the drops in realtime with the community piecing the narrative together.


There are at least 10 SOLID proofs of Q that even a nomie could eventually piece together; if they really wanted. Side by sides are floating everywhere, Im not going to post them because I just dont care who "accepts Q". The latest cuntery was all the "patriots" that built followings from Q all turned on Q group at the same time a few weeks ago. Especially the ones charging monthly subscriptions for "insider access". There was no actual reason, just timed controlled oppo. It serves no purpose.. CIA has already lost. They are just squirming and screeching as white team decapitates their cunty heads.


Any anon yelling about fake Q or Q compromised is just parroting a pelican, cia, gowing fake narrative. The tone and arttitude speaks VOLUMES as to the source. Apprently the shilling is discrediting the movement succesfully as anons like you cant make sense of it.


You just have to go deeper into this stuff if you really want to know… you have to understand counter intel shill techniques.. the Qresearch is an amazing petri dish of literal case studies of every shill technique. The greatest proof of Q is the coordinated shills + controlled oppo + MSM hit-pieces (10 articles that I know of). When Alex Jones agrees with the leftist media and stands against Q, you have to infer an anomaly. Q is the anomaly.


Ive given you enough info to seek it out. Its not for everyone and it literally makes no difference if normies cant swallow it. It was never for them."