Reporting from last bread >>1520952 plus added Wiklieaks tweet about Julian Assange was investigating the UK's involvement in what has now become known as "#SPYGATE" right before he was silenced 56 days ago. Note - Trump has not tweeted about SPYGATE involving any mention of the UK to my knowledge. Now the UK has been connected. Coincidence?
Wikileaks tweeted in reference to what looks like a 'grab team' op to see if we can see the mission paperwork in the video.
The date on the video is 12/24/17. Note the article on 12/25/17 about Assange having a weird Christmas Day. Not coincidence.
It looks like something Operation Kudo but I can't blow it up. Did the navy grab JA?
Tweet link: https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/999297712871936000 and https:// twitter.com/wikileaks/status/999297712871936000
Video link: https:// archive.org/details/assange-grabteam-K6-20171224002600_20171224003000-competition1
JA article: http:// www.newsweek.com/julian-assange-twitter-navy-tweet-wikileaks-758685