Did he order from Anderson Coopers newapaper
with lubin toobin and Cumo and steltzer with obranvich and CEO of CNN and wife?
Anderson Cooper supplied with Producer?
Did he order from Anderson Coopers newapaper
with lubin toobin and Cumo and steltzer with obranvich and CEO of CNN and wife?
Anderson Cooper supplied with Producer?
Was Anderson Cooper ordering for Griffin with his weekly newspaper ?
Dumb Lemon CNN order from Anderson Coopers newspaper ?
It was the Prussians !!!!
The cult !
CNN dumb Lemon abuse Childrean with Anderson Cooper ?
ABC Stephonpolis GYM when he visits PEDO island with his friend Epstein and MAxwell
no one asking stepponallofus about the Gym?
Lemon assaulted young man and put his hands down his pants now getting sued
Chris Cumo on Pedo Island with Stepponallofus ABC Disney and CNN
wallace now at CNN
Toobin and lemon and Anderson Coopers newspaper Gannet
Anderson ordering for Griffin Lemon and toobin and Steltzer
>Anderson ordering for Griffin Lemon and toobin and Steltzer
Gov CUMO and Chris sex crimes at CNN
Nipples Pierced
ABC sttepinopolis work out tat the tample at epstein island ?
no questions for steepinopolis and his stay at the temple
Abranovitch Spirit cooker cooing for CEO of CNN
Pfizer and Moderna Thawed: Warmed Vials Become "Alive" Self-Moving Organism
Rumble — A group of South Korean doctors have banded together and now call themselves the "Korea Veritas Doctors for Covid 19." They have secured partial vials of the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines, and upon close observation they claim to have observed "moving organism." Dr. Jane Ruby joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss.
worm in vax ?
Anderson Cooper and Gannet
ABC Steppinopolis to be questioned about The Temple GYM
Did steponallofus work out in the GYM ?
CNN no showing trial
Who from CNN went with Abranowitch to Epsteins Pedo Island ?
Was toobin working out at the Temple on Pedo island with ABC George Steppinopolis?
Sued for enabling sexual abuse of paperboys in New York and Arizona
Gannett was sued in October 2019[61] under the New York State Child Victim's Act by a former paperboy who accused the company of enabling a former district manager to sexually abuse him in the 1980s. This case is currently pending. Four more lawsuits were filed in February 2020.[62] and are pending. Additionally, three more men filed suit against Gannett for child sex abuse in September 2020 and April of 2021,[63] these cases are pending too. In December 2020, Gannett and its Arizona Republic newspaper were also sued by two former paperboys in the Phoenix, AZ community for enabling its employees to sexually abuse them in the late 1970s.[64] As the New York state window to file under its Childs Victim Act closed in August 2021, another man sued[65] Gannett in Rochester NY alleging child sex abuse by the same former district manager of paper boys. This latest case brings the total to eleven men who are suing Gannett for enabling sexual abuse of former paperboys, some as young as eleven at the time.
In March 2020, Gannett announced that due to COVID-19, it will be forced to make a series of cuts and furloughs.[66] Executives will also take a 25% reduction in salary.
Sued for enabling sexual abuse of paperboys in New York and Arizona
Gannett was sued in October 2019[61] under the New York State Child Victim's Act by a former paperboy who accused the company of enabling a former district manager to sexually abuse him in the 1980s. This case is currently pending. Four more lawsuits were filed in February 2020.[62] and are pending. Additionally, three more men filed suit against Gannett for child sex abuse in September 2020 and April of 2021,[63] these cases are pending too. In December 2020, Gannett and its Arizona Republic newspaper were also sued by two former paperboys in the Phoenix, AZ community for enabling its employees to sexually abuse them in the late 1970s.[64] As the New York state window to file under its Childs Victim Act closed in August 2021, another man sued[65] Gannett in Rochester NY alleging child sex abuse by the same former district manager of paper boys. This latest case brings the total to eleven men who are suing Gannett for enabling sexual abuse of former paperboys, some as young as eleven at the time.
In March 2020, Gannett announced that due to COVID-19, it will be forced to make a series of cuts and furloughs.[66] Executives will also take a 25% reduction in salary.
Sued for enabling sexual abuse of paperboys in New York and Arizona
Anderson Cooper ordering young boys from NY and Arizona home of noname and the operation smile hubs of Human trafficking HQ in mclean
where eyes wide shut girl from custome shop is from married to joe in her book she mentions she was under the table with a japenese diplomat brezinski in the movie she was peddled as a child
>Sued for enabling sexual abuse of paperboys in New York and Arizona
who is anderson coopers paperboy from Gannet?
In 1979, Gannett acquired Combined Communications Corp.,[14] operator of 2 major daily newspapers, the Oakland Tribune and The Cincinnati Enquirer, seven television stations, 13 radio stations, as well as an outdoor advertising division, for $370 million.[15][16] The outdoor advertising became known as Gannett Outdoor, before being acquired by Outdoor Systems (previously a division of 3M), before the company was sold to Infinity Broadcasting, which later became part of Viacom, and was part of CBS Corporation, until 2014 when CBS Outdoor went independent and became Outfront Media.
remember charlie rose ?
Human Trafficking at CBS ?
did he work out at the GYM in The Temple Of Epstein Island ?
SpiritCookingAt the temple ?
abranowitch the pope and john keryy went where ?
to meet +++ ?
Why ? Epstein island occupied ?
maxwell submarine .?