Do any anons have a short bio on this guy? Thanks for posting this vid fren. I'm going to share this shit far and wide. >>15212467
No tests here. I'll be losing my job on 1/1/22 for refusing to be tested twice weekly since I refuse to disclose my vaxx status. I had to wear a mask a few times for essential medical visits but those are behind me now. Fuck the concerts, sporting events, movies, museums and stores that refuse service. I will forever refuse to do business with any of them again. ChinaVirus has reduced my spending by more than the real rate of inflation. Let them burn it all down….in a controlled burn. That's the only thing that will wake these poor, brainwashed souls up. NCSWIC! It's gonna get crazy my friends.
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
FOUR year delta coming up!Re-read this Executive Order by real POTUS anons.ALL((their)) stuff are belong to usSOON!((They)) are going to burn it all down then we are going to take all their shit and rebuild the world without ((them)).