Kek! Imagine years later the Military says anons were a secret retarded branch? Anon would laugh but it’s probably beyond our lifetime. Anon would like “we talked smack because we love you” on anons tombstone.
Kek! Imagine years later the Military says anons were a secret retarded branch? Anon would laugh but it’s probably beyond our lifetime. Anon would like “we talked smack because we love you” on anons tombstone.
Is just dying the ultimate protest? Anon cannot fathom protests or whatever they do. Perhaps the lesson of “turning the other cheek” rings true right now? Anon is taking this on the chin and oftentimes do. Will shitpost for a bit longer but anon actually thinks anon has very little time left of life. Not being a drama queen .. just sayin
Anon has to go sleep in a car and it’s winter ima few days. It’s better than sleeping outside but is scary because anon doesn’t have blankets. Will use a jacket and old sweaters to cover up. It’s semi-homeless but at least it’s better than sleeping under a bridge.
An artist working for LE can take words from a terrified witness to draw an almost perfect depiction of a perp but courtroom artists put this shit out? Seems legit. Take your oil crayons and shove em where the sun don’t shine. Bullshit. Just called it
Nah. Anon don’t roll that way. Would rather die of exposure than roll like them. Anon has a few hours of battery power left … Will shitpost to the end of it.
>That's the spirit!
Thanks for making anon laugh. Need it right now. Anon is essentially on the execution table with an hour left of comfort
anon doesn’t do drugs. Like cheap beer but that’s it. Would die happy in the winter cold if the 2020 election fraud was show to normies. It would mean they would everything is effed and start digging. Normies are the cure. They will tear the entire fake show down. Pitchforks out
Anon learned not to talk smack on the dead recently… but that golf caddie be ded. How heavy was 45’s bag? Just curious. Will talk smack until the end. Better charge device so anon can continue shitposting
They can go to bars with firearms and do breakdancing though. The firearm falls out and goes off. Thats all good. They can also attempt to set people up 24/7. A judge in NY basically said as much. Taking a bunch of super super poor dudes and making them out to be “terrorists” because they promised them money? Those dudes lived in roach-infested slums and even anon is poor. The list goes on. Stop fucking setting people up, you dumb fucks
You chipping in for a gorillion dollars of fuel with the current admins fuel prices? Send cash to #1 Happy Street
A gift. It’s not anons. Same thing what happened when anon got here back when. Someone donated a computer to anon. computer took a shit and that was anons best device ever. Sad about that one. Now just a loaner on aunts account because it’s free for some weird reason.
Definitely not. Just in the final hours of comfort. Not playing at all. Joked years ago but now it’s true
2020 election is just the opening of the can of worms. Normies will start questioning everything after that. Anons may have to step back because normies will flock to the boards or whatever platform exists then to stay out of their way. It will be a digital “burning at the stake” of everything. Actually may be kinda scary. Normies are dangerous. Will miss chatting with anons assigned eff bee eye agents and real anons. Even the agents gave anon comfort in these tough times. Also the ones from overseas pretended to be nice but .. the fake niceness worked against them and helped anons.