Fair question: Review ALL of the Patriot conferences hosted by Pay-triots Clay Clark, Doug Billings, and Mike Flynn.
How much total time have they spent revealing and discussing THE true national and worldwide pandemic of child and human sex trafficking???
Answer: Not much. Not much at all.
You will know them by the fruits they bear.
We are talking about crimes against humanity.
Clay, Doug, and Mike don’t even talk the talk much less walk the walk.
What else do these Pay-triots have in common???
Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.
Practice Hint: You will know them by their symbols.
Diving Deeper Into General Flynn’s Masonic Prayer. What ARE The 7 Rays of Light?
I recognized an occult undertone to this prayer immediately. And while I’ve always defended Flynn – I couldn’t simply ignore an occultist prayer uttered in a Church – even leading the congregation in recitation.
I decided to dive deep and figure out where the Seven Rays of Light he referenced came from.
And I found it. God help us all. What I found was shocking.
(If you are not yet aware of who Freemasonry worships (Satan), please watch this video – www.nemosnewsnetwork.com/them)
Where did I come across this information? Researching the OCCULT (Occult means Hidden. And in seeking to KNOW THY ENEMY I found God in the pages of history. But that’s a story for another day! – Suffice to say, I shifted from Antitheist to Fundamentalist Christian Apologist.
Here’s the book that referenced the Seven Rays.
The Hidden Life in Freemasonry Paperback – June 23, 2017 by Charles W. Leadbeater
In this book, the author references Seventh-Ray Angels.
Is this the Seven Rays that General Flynn Prayed too?
And to be clear. No one has defended the Flynn family and America’s General more I.
I invited General Flynn to respond to the allegations and clear the air. I reached out to him via his brother, Joe – who has been on my show in the past.
Here’s the response I got:
After our bestselling Book on Q topped the Amazon charts (Before it was Banned, you can now find it at www.TheGreatAwakeningBooks.com) The Good General even wrote our team this letter:
After I came out with this information, however, Joe Flynn began to troll my chatroom.
I had to give him the Boot.
I share these things so that people know I am not out to get Flynn. My motives are simply to follow the truth, no matter how hard it may be.
My purpose in this life is to help people, by sharing truth.
Update 12.7.21 – Catholicism outlawed Catholics becoming Masons.
“the Code of Canon Law published in 1917. In this code was the following law:
Those who join a Masonic sect or other societies of the same sort, which plot against the Church or against legitimate civil authority, incur ipso facto an excommunication simply reserved to the Holy See. (Canon 2335)”
Since this article published – many have defended Flynn’s actions and words while completely avoiding or downplaying them. I get loyalty – but not at the expense of integrity.
One popular example is Dave, aka “Praying Medic” whose dream interpretations and political commentary have been a major force in the growth of the Q Movement. For which I honor him. (At least, the political commentary part..)
However, this defense with little to no addressing the actual and legitimate causes of concern gives me great pause.
Much like Flynn himself, he ridicules the detractors while avoiding their arguments. This is a big red flag in any honest debate.
“Recent attacks on General Flynn were not done just to cause division in our ranks. They were also intended to damage his reputation and cause us to abandon him.
That tells us he is a priority threat to the deep state and suggests other attacks and harassment against him are coming.
Please keep him in prayer.”
Ironically his very next post was forwarded from RealGeneralFlynn on Telegram that said this:
“Know your enemy, Know yourself, Know your Data…21st Century Warfare.”
So which is it? Should we not ask questions, or should we KNOW our Data?
If you want to know your enemy click here.
Perhaps its time someone asked Praying Medic about his own involvement with the (Fake) MAGA COALITION:
You know, that who tried to take down the Q Movement by fundraising from MAGA. Including threatening to sue yours truly over Q’s identity.
Its odd how the wolves keep exposing themselves.
I've run into Brian Gamble, pictured below, a couple of times. He accompanies Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne for all of their America Project events.
One such event took place in Lakeland, Florida. It was a secret, invitation only, meeting for up-and-coming influencers. I was invited.
During the event, it did not take long for me to discern that the event lacked focus or purpose for those that were invited.
However, it did feel as if an intelligence operation was being carried out by the America Project to learn more about those present.
If memory serves, the influencers we're split into approximately 6 different groups, with about 6 individuals per group. There were 6 substantive topics that each group would discuss. Faith, election freedom, medical freedom, technology, supporting law enforcement, etc. The influencers would work through each discussion station over a 2 day period.
Each station had an America Project representative present.
Throughout the day, the representatives would meet behind closed doors with Patrick Byrne.
Brian Gamble, the chief intelligence officer for the America Project, oversaw the technology discussion.
Why do I vividly remember Brian?
Because one of the individuals present in my group asked if she could open our discussion with a prayer. You would think a prayer would be welcome in a patriot setting.
But Brian put a damper on the request and stated that "not everyone here is a Christian, and we don't want to offend those that aren't."
It was a jarring moment that never left me, that has become more surreal, as occult prayers have been uttered by Flynn, with Byrne leaving 33:33 minute long videos devoted to distancing himself from Christians.
Just thinking out loud.
Roger R. Richards directed Above Majestic.
>If I've said prayers, they're meant for good purposes, nothing more nothing less. Period.
Even for a respected general, this does not cut it.
He stood in a Protestant/Evangelical church and led the congregation in a prayer [repeat after him] that violates their core beliefs.
He led them into sin [according to their beliefs].
Bare minimum, as a Information Warfare expert, he should be aware of the gravity of the offense and not try to brush it off with this 'reassurance' about his intent.
We expect our generals to have cultural competency and know that Protestant/Evangelical digital soldiers don't pray to angels, nor do we place ourselves in the service of archangels ["all of them"].
The Clarion's Call
I vow to take our struggle to the halls of Congress.
I vow to punish the enemies of our Constitution.
I vow to bring retribution upon the corrupt institutions killing our family and friends for profit.
I vow to shine the light of truth deep into the eyes of the demons of D.C.
I vow to throw a wrench into the political engines that have stolen our God-given rights.
I vow to engage in mortal combat against the satanic mandates.
I vow to put on the whole Armor of God and fearlessly stand on the front lines of the battle between Good and Evil.
I vow to fight for freedom.
I vow to fight for you!
With your support, and God's great will, our crusade against evil will be victorious and we will leave a better America for our children.