The one problem with your analogy is it is the Antarctic which is a land mass/continent with glaciers calving off it so it would be like adding a ice cube… where the Artic is a ice mass floating on the water.
Here is a question for you.
Why didn't the BBB get passed?
Why didn't the RINO's help them in the Senate?
Think about it.
Yes I know… There isn't much difference with as little of ice to ocean mass to make a difference in the current climate… if anything the aging of the sun would seem to indicate a cooling over the next few billion years as it dies off like all things do. Or we could be sucked down into the gravity well of the mass we call a blackhole in the center of our galaxy. Never heard if we have ever measured the speed of approach to galactic center.
I asked you all the question and to think about it. I have no theory that is why I asked it anyone else might think about it lets bounce some ideas around.
Oh and fuck off.