Look at how naturally beautiful the aborigines were/are
at least before the satanism that is (((food-for-profit)))
the satanism that is the 'dental-industry' will be a 'very difficult pill to swallow'
Look at how naturally beautiful the aborigines were/are
at least before the satanism that is (((food-for-profit)))
the satanism that is the 'dental-industry' will be a 'very difficult pill to swallow'
we resonate with the universe
how do we resonate with 'plastic' in our teeth?
I cried yesterday for 20 minutes, because in 2019, before the 'pandemic lockdowns', I managed to find a dentist by the grace of God, out of maybe visiting more than a dozen and being treated as a mental patient, and had the all the 'plastic' removed.
luckily, the plastic was covering rather superficial holes, so there was slight 'icing' when drinking very cold beverages.
I have no longer double-vision (which is incredible!!!), I can breathe from both my nostrils and trough clearly, my voice is super full, my face is symmetrical and proportional, my hearing is PERFECT now
Seriously, I cried for like 20 minutes, because all that I managed for the past 2 years would have been impossible and it could only have been thanks to Jesus.
do you think Jesus wanted you to need 'fillings'?
I feel more human than I can remember last and I know it is because I no longer carry the forcibly glued to my teeth 'plastic'.
which of these images could show someone carrying more than their nature?
he wouldn't want you to experience anything he didn't, and Jesus is fighting for no one to 'have to' anything
my aim is that I and my children will never be influenced by (((degeneracy)))
so, by that logic, men expect women to figure it out, even if women doesn't have a 'role model' like Jesus?
Are women to be 'expected' to be 'virgin Mary'?