Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.15219734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“A Global Coup Has Been Carried Out Across the World – Has Destroyed the Very Foundations of the Rule of Law” – Archbishop Vigano’s Message to America (Transcript and Audio)


Italian Archbishop Vigano shared with The Gateway Pundit his transcript and audio message to the American people this week.


Italian Archbishop Vigano sent a message to the American people. He continues to speak out against the globalist threat this Christmas season.


He shared his message below:


DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects. We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than a war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:35 a.m. No.15219741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Ramthun Lays Out Evidence of Undeniable Voter Fraud in Wisconsin 2020 Election — Calls for Forensic Audit in State


Back in July Republican Representative Timothy Ramthum joined The Gateway Pundit to discuss his call for a forensic audit in the state of Wisconsin.


Even in July there was enough evidence of likely fraud that there were calls in the state for a forensic audit.


Rep. Ramthun first called for a forensic audit back on July 16th and he continues to speak out against the alleged fraud. Ramthun told Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft that he has heard from several experts outside the state including Seth Keshel on their thoughts for the need of an audit in Wisconsin.


Ramthun also spoke in favor of Representative Janel Brandtjen’s announcement push for a forensic audit in the state. Rep. Brandtjen called for an Arizona-style audit of Wisconsin’s November election.


Earlier this week Rep. Ramthun along with Wisconsin state Representatives Rep. Janel Brantjen, Rep. Chuck Wichgers, and Rep. Scott Allen released a statement calling out the latest Zuckerbucks venture the EOLDN announced earlier this week. The EOLDN is another Zuckerberg venture whose purpose is to stifle dissent among the masses who question the fraud in the 2020 election.


Rep. Ramthun is calling for a forensic audit in the state. He released a new video on Saturday where he recaps all the facts that support our efforts to reclaim Wisconsin ballots, and he also recaps the excuses used to obstruct the legitimate request for a forensic audit in Wisconsin.


It is refreshing to know there are lawmakers out there who still believe in this country.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.15219746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9784

Ghislaine Maxwell Trial: Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein’s Safe Went Missing Following FBI Raid


In July 2019 the FBI raided Jeffrey Epstein’s home in New York City. The FBI agents found damning information and evidence throughout his 7-story residence. The evidence included “numerous black binders” with white labels that had “clear pages containing thumbnail photos with CDs attached.”


FBI agents also found several items in a safe including “binders with CDs, various items of jewelry, external hard drives, lose diamonds, large amounts of U.S. currency and passports.”


The FBI later said the evidence in the safe went missing. Chris Wray’s FBI said they went back a few days later and the evidence had disappeared.


** The same FBI that ran a coup against the sitting US president based on completely made-up opposition party nonsense wants the American public to believe the Epstein evidence went missing and they had nothing to do with it.


** The same FBI that raided hundreds of homes of US patriots with dozens of armed agents this year for walking inside or near the US Capitol on January 6th, wants you to believe they had nothing to do with this missing evidence — after they were the last ones to see it.


** The same group that believes antifa is an idea but Trump supporters and conservative working Americans are domestic terrorists want you to believe they did not disappear the Epstein evidence.


** So the FBI went inside his home and took photos but did not confiscate the evidence?


Does anybody buy this?


FOX News reported:


The witness told the tale of how the FBI searched Epstein’s $77 million New York home to the jurors. The agents buzzed but after no answer, they forced their entry to the residence and started performing a protective sweep to make sure there was no threat to them.


On the third floor, in a dressing room, they found a safe that they pulled out from a closet and brought in a saw to open it. There were several items in it that the FBI photographed such as more “binders with CDs, various items of jewelry, external hard-drives, lose diamonds, large amounts of U.S. currency and passports.” However, they needed a second search warrant in order to retrieve those items. So, they returned a few days later, except that the items that had been removed from the safe were missing. An attorney for Epstein then returned all the items to the agents.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.15219765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mapped: The Most Common Illicit Drugs In The World


Despite strict prohibitory laws around much of the world, many common illicit drugs still see widespread use.


Humans have a storied and complicated relationship with drugs. Defined as chemical substances that cause a change in our physiology or psychology, many drugs are taken medicinally or accepted culturally, like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.


But, as Visual Capitalist's Omri Wallach details below, many drugs - including medicines and non-medicinal substances taken as drugs - are taken recreationally and can be abused. Each country and people have their own relationship to drugs, with some embracing the use of specific substances while others shun them outright.


What are the most common drugs that are considered generally illicit in different parts of the world? Today’s graphics use data from the UN’s World Drug Report 2021 to highlight the most prevalent drug used in each country.

What Types of Common Drugs Are Tracked?


The World Drug Report looks explicitly at the supply and demand of the international illegal drug market, not including commonly legal substances like caffeine and alcohol.


Drugs are grouped by class and type, with six main types of drugs found as the most prevalent drugs worldwide.


Cannabis*: Drugs derived from cannabis, including hemp. This category includes marijuana (dried flowers), hashish (resin), and other for various other parts of the plant or derived oils.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.15219772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9776 >>9781

Russia Publishes Details Of Security Proposals Sent To US & NATO


Russian Foreign Ministry published a draft agreement on guarantees of security between Russia and the United States Friday. The document includes eight articles and covers the main aspects of mutual guarantees of security between Moscow and Washington.


The document reflects the calls, repeatedly voiced by Moscow in the past, and offers a solution to the accumulated problems and threats, including those that emerged after Washington withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.


First and foremost, the document outlines the principles of indivisible and equal security, and non-threatening of each other’s security. To this extent, the document includes the following points: rejection of actions and events that affect the other side’s security, non-participation in such events and refraining from supporting them. Besides, the draft agreement mentions the rejection of security measures - be it individual or within and international organization, military alliance or coalition - that could undermine the base security interests of the other side.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:44 a.m. No.15219776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9783



Russia has no right to tell NATO what to do, Germany warns


NATO should engage in dialogue with Russia but the US-led military bloc ought not stand for Moscow telling its members what to do, Germany’s new defense minister declared on Sunday, during a visit to Lithuania.


Christine Lambrecht made the statement during a press conference with her Lithuanian counterpart, Arvydas Anusauskas, in the town of Rukla. The minister said that while it was “important and right” to discuss the proposals put forward by Russia, NATO wouldn't allow Moscow to tell its member states how to “position themselves.”


The German defense minister’s recipe for de-escalating tensions boiled down to “diplomacy” paired with “credible deterrence” in response to what the West believes is Moscow’s desire to invade Ukraine. The official, who was sworn in last week, said it was no coincidence that her first foreign visit in her new capacity was to Lithuania. She assured Anusauskas, that Berlin “understands the concerns of its Baltic allies who are feeling threatened.”


Following talks that were dominated not only by the ongoing escalation over Ukraine but also by the migrant crisis on the Belarusian border, Lambrecht concluded that “NATO is ready to stand up for the security of its member states, in a determined and united way.”


Anusauskas said Russia should not be allowed to “draw red lines” and talk about “spheres of influence in Europe.” He added that Vilnius was prepared to start shipping weapons to Ukraine.


Ahead of her trip to Lithuania, where she visited German soldiers stationed in the country as part of NATO’s enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup, Lambrecht called on Western nations to “put Putin and his inner circle in the crosshairs.”


She proposed personal sanctions against Russia’s leadership if Moscow invades Ukraine, "for example, that they can no longer travel to the Champs Élysées in Paris to shop." Lambrecht seemed to be unaware that the same sort of luxury stores also exist in the Russian capital – in places like Kutuzovsky Avenue, Barvikha Luxury Village, TSUM and Tretyakovsky Proyezd – and other cities, such as Saint Petersburg and Sochi.


Russia has vehemently denied that it has plans to attack its neighbor. It says all military maneuvers that the Western media and governments construe as preparations for an invasion are being conducted on Russian territory and, hence, Moscow does not have to account for them.


President Vladimir Putin has also accused NATO of being deaf to Russia’s concerns over the bloc’s expansion eastward, with weapons systems and military contingents inching ever closer to the country’s border.


This week, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov lamented a lack of progress in talks with the West and announced that Moscow had put forth a number of proposals aimed at thrashing out security guarantees in Europe. Russia also warned that if its calls remained unheeded, it would have to take countermeasures.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:46 a.m. No.15219788   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Vienna


Seven people were detained in Austria’s capital, Vienna, after opponents of strict Covid-19 restrictions broke through police barriers and clashed with the officers. The country is due to make vaccination compulsory in February.


Up to 2,000 people gathered for a demonstration in Vienna on Saturday. They chanted “Freedom” as they marched, with some carrying signs that said, “People are locking up people, not the virus.”


A number of protesters bypassed police barricades by taking detours, while several groups broke through them. Officers were filmed using metal barriers to push people from the streets. At one point, police dispersed a gathering of between 150 and 200 protesters, confiscating flags, drums, and loudspeakers.


Seven people were arrested, Austrian media reported, citing police. More than 100 additional charges were brought for violating the law on public assembly. An officer was slightly injured.


Similar rallies were held in Klagenfurt, Innsbruck, and Leibnitz. Austria relaxed its most recent lockdown last week, but only for vaccinated citizens. A general nationwide vaccine mandate is due to take effect starting from February 1, 2022.


The government extended the lockdown for unvaccinated people for another 10 days on Friday, but agreed to temporarily ease some restrictions on private gatherings during Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Anonymous ID: bddfdf Dec. 19, 2021, 9:49 a.m. No.15219806   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Air Force embraces gender pronouns


The US Air Force has authorized the use of gender pronouns in electronic signature boxes, further embracing the controversial woke lexicon that other branches of government were criticized for adopting earlier this year.


The military division authorized using gender pronouns in a piece of correspondence earlier this month, which was made public over the weekend. The document states that while the “use of pronouns (he/him, she/her, or they/them) in an email signature is authorized,” it is “not required.”


The signature block in Air Force email templates is otherwise restricted to name, rank, service affiliation, duty title, organization name, phone numbers, and social media contact information. Under the new rules, pronouns will be added to that list.


It’s unclear if there was a specific incident that provoked the move on behalf of the Air Force or if this was simply part of the US military’s onward march toward wokeness under President Joe Biden and his Pentagon chief, Lloyd Austin, who has pledged to cleanse the military of “deep-rooted racism and discrimination.”


Biden’s pick to lead the Defense Department has ruffled some feathers in the military, as Austin has repeatedly suggested that some of the nation’s worst enemies “lie within our own ranks.” That image hasn’t improved with the department moving to dishonorably discharge those service members who choose not to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.


The Biden administration is determined to roll out the red carpet for LGBTQ recruits, running ads featuring a lesbian wedding and a Pride parade as well as ones featuring new military members describing themselves in ‘intersectional’ terms. Another video, this one the animated story of a real person, illustrated the upbringing of an army corporal with “two mommies.”


The administration’s embrace of woke-speak – especially gender pronouns – has attracted derision from political opponents. The State Department was mocked for celebrating ‘International Pronouns Day’ in October even as chaos seemingly broke loose around the world, from the ongoing failure to rescue Americans trapped in Afghanistan under Taliban rule to reports of China’s hypersonic missile launch.