bv is the only garbage that works to protect you from garbages by swallow cum from morans around the globe.
He also wear a contdom as protection.
he also likes shit, w/ vegetables, but only w/ pee soup.
he's the moran that think he's god, a stoopid shit tard monkey that banned all the board and we move like backwards
gorillion bv, tard garbage
you choose the wrong person to fuck with.
I will fuck you, till or I die, or your acc revoked.
Mutant bv, stoopid garbage cleaner, suck my ass.
Get lost racist, or I'll fuck you too.
But let me play your game, instead of turning your position.
Did you saw dead lions?
Only tards from here can make me laugh so hard, from all my heart w/ a pic, only supertards from there in here can understand me m/o a word spoken, yet we here, in this moment in time, why?????????????????????
He started HH?????????
No AK?
b/c NASA, CIA, FBI, IRS, NSA didn't zombified you already.
shh, they want you good.
kiss you.
At this point I just float in the sky.
You tell me ask God for help?!?!?!
Do the same.
For all the morans in here.
This is a dedication for you, drullers.
I so like this grl.
The sky is green?
And the bullet got angry and want to get out.
Sorry, I don't speak English.
You wanna kill me???????????????????????
OMG, THIS TARDS WANNA KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I barely breathe.
long live night shift, brb, need to buy some water.