Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 19, 2021, 10:33 p.m. No.15223292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3332 >>3359

A Surprise Russian Ultimatum: New Draft Treaties To Roll Back NATO


How this plays out will depend on the nature of the US response to Russia’s next move, which might, in the circumstances of Washington stonewalling, be that invasion of Ukraine that has been so much talked about in the past few weeks. It would be foolhardy at this point to sketch all possible scenarios. But we are surely at the moment when the “the worm turns.”


In conclusion, I call the reader’s attention to one further detail on presentation: who has been the messenger on the Kremlin’s behalf.


For the past several years, people around Vladimir Putin have joked with respect to foreign powers, “if they cannot deal with Lavrov [RF Minister of Foreign Affairs], then they will have to deal with Shoigu [RF Minister of Defense].” Judging by the last two weeks, I would insert another personality into this equation: Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Ryabkov has been around for a good long time, but till now we did not hear much from him. He graduated from the prestigious MGIMO, the higher school that traditionally educated fast-track candidates of the Soviet-Russian diplomatic corps. He served several years at the Russian embassy in the Washington and is fluent in English. In the new millennium he has had responsibilities relating to non-proliferation and managing relations with Europe. His present title is Deputy Minister.


As relations with the United States and the EU have heated up in recent weeks over the buildup of Russian forces at the border with Ukraine, Ryabkov has been speaking to the press and has done so in an undiplomatic, in-your-face fashion. When one reporter asked him a week ago about how some of Russia’s “partners in the West” would react to something, he snapped back: “We have no partners in the West, only enemies. I stopped using the word “partner” some time ago.”


The Kremlin’s showcasing of the bulldog Ryabkov is part of the change in tone, the new assertiveness of Putin and his team to which I refer above.


**excellent op-ed on China and Russia exposing corrupt NATO/west



Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 19, 2021, 11:05 p.m. No.15223383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3414

Former Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson is dead at 76


Former Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), a reliable Republican vote respected by many Democrats for working to build consensus behind the scenes, died at home early Sunday. He was 76 and had been living with Parkinson's disease for six years, but his son John Isakson told The Associated Press the cause of death wasn't immediately apparent.


Isakson had built his family's real estate business into one of the South's biggest residential brokerage firms — and himself into a multimillionaire — before he entered politics with an unsuccessful 1974 run for the Georgia House. He won a seat in the chamber two years later, then was elected to the Georgia Senate, before losing races for Georgia governor in 1990 and U.S. Senate in 1996, when he lost the GOP primary. He entered Congress after spending a fortune in the race to replace former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) in 1999, and he won his Senate seat in 2004.

Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 19, 2021, 11:11 p.m. No.15223400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3411 >>3413 >>3415

Fauci Won't Quit Until Covid Is Under Control: "Kind Of Like We're Halfway Through World War II"

Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 19, 2021, 11:39 p.m. No.15223474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481 >>3491 >>3493 >>3495



The amount of lies, corruption in west coast counties in WA state would make your head spin.


Our elections have been rigged for over a decade if not longer. Both sides of the aisle are corrupt.


Why was he really there there? For elections or to push Regeneron and have us fucking pay for, when they already have a protocol that works.


Big shocker on politicians, they may have good intentions going in, but evil already resides in gov and that money, greed, power will have many selling their souls just to get reelected and continue the charade.


Washingtonians are rising up, we could use a miracle here. For those who pass away, some may rest in peace, others rest in piss. Expose it all and let God sort them out.

Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 19, 2021, 11:57 p.m. No.15223538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3562 >>3591





If Doug cared about his state… mind you I voted a straight R ticket and he is in my district, he cared more about legal elections in central America than how fucking corrupt our own elections are here in our state. He missed votes here that could have made a difference for our citizens/counties.


He believed covid virus was real

He believed climate change was real

He was pro Trump, but many like to ride Trump's coattails in public and badmouth him in private.


He was anti vaxx, yet had to get shots to go to a 3rd world country, got covid there, wanted Regeneron flown in for him, then could push it after it saved him…


This will be hard for many to mentally grasp, but some are low energy/vibe physical meat suits who can not handle the higher frequency energies snowballing us, plus, 4-6% lost forever especially for those who are political soul sell outs.

Anonymous ID: 0f9a57 Dec. 20, 2021, 12:28 a.m. No.15223619   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm from his district and was decieved by him thinking he would represent us if we chose him again. I will never vote again until all these corrupt politicians are held accountable, our election systems fixed and you might want to research or connect to anons who know their own areas irl.


If you choose to believe covid 19 and climate change are real, that is yours to own.. Best of luck on your path.