Anonymous ID: 36d0be Dec. 19, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.15223116   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3134 >>3153 >>3157 >>3165 >>3359



May History remember December 19th, 2021 as the Day that West Virginians Saved America


Sen Manchin: I Won't Vote For Biden's Build Back [Broke] Spending Bill; “this is a no.”



I don’t know anything about Sen Joe Manchin except that he is a Democrat who obviously values his relationship with “We The People” of West Virginia who voted him into office.


Probably a lot of (older) Americans not from West Virginia think of people from these parts as crazy backward mountain white rednecks who play a mean Banjo and screw pigs in the woods thanks to the brilliant Clown PsyOp movie, “deliverance”, designed to make Americans feel sorry for corporate city slickers at the expense of hard working West Virginians.


The real irony is that West Virginia ranked 42th among the other states in a 2019 study of clinical psychopathy. Though not a state (yet), Washington DC had twice the level of clinical psychopathy has the highest ranking state, which was Delaware.


Psychopathy by U.S. state: A translation of regional measures of the Big Five personality traits to regional measures of psychopathy - ScienceDirect

Anonymous ID: 36d0be Dec. 19, 2021, 10:32 p.m. No.15223290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3315


>anon lives in the DEEP boonies, not in WV but near the line. coal miners, farmers, and ranchers here have more brains and more common sense than all of the city faggots combined. anon knows all to well, moved here from the city 30 yrs ago because anon knew this time was coming.


>Mountaineer logic prevails over city slickers any day!

