What, like moments before he dies of old age?
That’ll be a lesson for anyone else thinking of treason. snark
What, like moments before he dies of old age?
That’ll be a lesson for anyone else thinking of treason. snark
That was very nice, Mr President.
As he said, he had a prepared thing to read… but i do much prefer hearing him speak ‘from the heart’. The part about our country needing a savior, and that it is someone much higher ranking than him (djt), i think that’s true.
The words crime, sedition and treason just don’t do it adequate justice trying to explain this shit… evil, seems much more apt to understanding what we are up against.
The covid-thing and the vax, and the election fiasco have definitely taken its toll on me and my comfort with DJT… but if We can survive this all, and he has an explanation to share some day… i really look forward to hearing it from him. I really want to hear it from him.
That, or at least I won’t be surprised if the clouds do open up with lightning bolts for everyone, and a SMOD to finish off this chapter. I’m good with whateves.
“That’s what the bullets are for!!!”
The Red October film reference about turning into and shortening the distance and time for the enemy into NOT being able to do it [their] way, is still the most useful thing i’ve gotten out of this whole q-escaped.
For that if nothing else, i am thankful to you goodanons.