Anons, when one Senator or politician finally does the right thing in a dramatic way, I think it's important for them to know we people appreciate it, if other anons wish to thank him, you can email him through his senate website. Below is my email.
Dear Senator Manchin,
I've watched you for years and your willingness to work across the aisle on doing the right thing for the American people and your state. I'm profoundly grateful that you will not support BBB, it's a relief to see one sole Senator stand up against what is wrong in numerous and untold ways. I know it took great courage and honor to take this stand and even though I do not live in your state, nor am I a democrat, I want you to know there are millions of Americans Conservative and Liberal that support you for taking such a bold an honest stance on legislation that should never have been proposed. The sheer waste of the trillions of dollars for this BS of supporting every program and country that DOES NOT help Americans, it only destroys our people, our country and our ability to be optimistic about our future. The poor in this country need more than any illegal immigrant, any country or any pet project of congress. It's time to stop the waste and help our country. I can honestly say, you did this by making the decision yesterday.
As much as you'll be criticized and condemned by your own party, please know sir, there are millions of American's cheering and thankful for your honor and service to us. Please feel the love and joy of millions, ignore the ignorant, hateful backbiters, they do not have the power of love that is being bestowed upon you this day and weeks to come for your courageous decision.