I work with a young, very healthy Marine (not in USMC currently but once a Marine always a Marine) who was downright giddy about getting his 1st and 2nd shot. He went to our company Christmas party last week where everyone had to have a negative rapid test to attend (I wasn’t about to go to this party myself). Keep in mind most everyone at my small company are all about muh vax and have been fully vaccinated. The couple of us who aren’t vaccinated did not attend. So the party consisted of fully vaccinated people who had tested negative for COVID 2 days prior to the party. In addition, I know these people well and I suspect most if not all of them were probably wearing masks. Anywho, the young healthy Marine called into work the entire week following the party (this past week) and tested positive for COVID. Somehow this will likely be blamed on us unvaccinated.