Personal opinion [possibly without all requisite information] PDJT should have been forceful from Day 1 about no masks and experiments w “vaccines” on the populace.
RED lines seem to have been [were] significantly crossed.
>>15225507 (lb)
>NEW - Trump: "You’re playing right into their hands" when you doubt the #COVID19 vaccines.
“We got a vaccine done in less than 9 months that was supposed to take 5-12 years.”
“Saved millions and millions…”
Maybe not perfect wording for above quotes. Watch/listen for yourself.
If people were kept locked down for 5-12 years waiting for vaccines, rather than months, millions of lives may have been lost.
[Their] psychological warfare could have taken a tole.
Red tie and fancy doorknob sales may have increased substantially.
That said, if Fake News Media and the Fauci Gremlins were dealt with properly, the population would not have been scared into 5-12 years worth of submission.