>>15224600 pb
Typo or excellent new info??? You said:
"Arteminisin + Zinc"
In the context of the rest of that post and general knowledge on this board, I assumed you meant "Azithromycin (aka Z-pak) + Zinc."
But no one commented on the apparent typo so, before doing so myself, I searched for your word "Arteminisin" on qresear.ch and found only one (very interesting) reference:
#13733186 at 2021-05-23 07:02:07 (UTC+1)
Q Research Germany #80: FCK GRT RST - Edition
[Translated on Google Translate:]
quote from it: p. 97 Artemisia annua (annual mugwort): "… the artemisinin obtained from this plant works 10 to 100 times faster than all conventional drugs against malaria. The interesting thing is that it is also effective against Plasmodium falciparum malaria which is already resistant to chloroquine and is considered the worst malaria due to the brain damage it causes and its high death rate. Its effectiveness was proven by Chinese scientists 10 years earlier, before the active ingredient gained international recognition. At the time, the Chinese government mistrusted the WHO and denied them access to the medicine and the plant. … numerous testimonials about cancer remissions through the use of Artemisia, especially in patients with leukemia … "
Whole context:
I see the same way. The message to humanity should be: There is therapy. There is ACTUAL therapy. Humanity has been tormented by the Cabal and "blessed" with diseases that have never existed before. Everyone who has lived on this planet long enough is affected. Everyone who goes through an illness has an interest in recovery. So everyone is a potential campaigner as soon as they are enlightened. The health issue is an important, if not the most important, lever in the Great Awakening. Recommendation: Dr. Andreas Kalcker, Health forbidden.
[Insert here the first paragraph quoted above. Then:]
Interesting also p. 184: (quote) "It is important to note that a large number of new diseases have emerged in the last 50 years. Ebola, Chikungunya virus, AIDS, hepatitis C, bird flu, swine flu, Lyme disease ( = Lyme disease), Morgellons and countless diseases that we are currently dealing with. Millions of people suffer and die as a result of these ailments, many of which were created or caused by humans and the industrial food system…. " Quote end