Morning anons…
love you guys…no homo…
Are we "remembering" or just getting "downloads"? I sure know way more than I have researched/read. Hats off to the early information providers as their is enough to jumpstart everything…
Yesterday I posted regarding the Secret Book of John and its mention of a "false spirit" put on earth to enslave us. I am thinking this is ELECTRICITY and it replaced AETHER which is our connection to LIGHT/SOURCE. The 50-60hz background noise also causes some health issue which would directly relate to lower cholesterol, lower vitamin D, and an inability to properly process fats (your car cannot burn gas…).
BTW…(anons) will have to help Christians through this as they have been worshipping something called yaldaboath instead of SOURCE for awhile and will freak them out a bit. Father/Son/Spirit still the structure. Adamas (from Source not from earth) is First Man and we all were made in his image. Adamas sits in the first realm of Heaven and is an Aeon = what we might all aspire to…
From gnosticism it appears Heaven was created very INTENTIONALLY and with ARCHETYPES. Our world was a mistake, and abortion, a miscalculation. The ruler of our realm is called yaldaboath and came from Wisdom (Sophia). Yaldbaoth is what created demons (modeled after the Heavens) and what created this realm. When Wisdom realized what She had done She set about to correct it. NATURE is from Sophia.
(you) are Extremely powerful when you realize your Nature and claim your Sovereignty.
WE are LIGHT. But the LIGHT is trapped inside our 3d cocoon. This world is like a bunch of FENCEPOSTS of LIGHT. Soon we will break free of our cocoons. And NO, it won't be a solar flash. It will be US…