Double-check please in case it's just on my end.
Anyways, never fear because the INDEX is always here.
>Jack Hibbs
Never heard of him.
>Brandon Tatum
Token fagfag
>Jack Posobiec
Gonna finally show the chatlogs
>Kayleigh McEnany
Yay Kay-Kay!
Pilotor just posts inspirational messages just like Mr. Pig does.
And they both namefag.
So, why is one ok while the other isn't?
Consistency please!
Nobody knows how to pick assistants like Jordie does that's for sure.
Yes, officially as of an hour or so ago.
Bruce Anons unfortunately are now LIGHT to Dark.
>OSS shits all over the bakers
Nah, just Doge.
>Now Catalog not updating
Something's borked again on 8kun?
I'm shocked! to learn this.
>Gatekeeper bakers in to hide the important shit
Hiding everything in plain sight is so hot right now.
>Over target!
For Board Jew reeeeeeeeing?
I satirize and give the RRN posters shit about it for this very reason.
If it were presented like normal as in "food for thought maybe real maybe not" I for one would leave them alone.
But, no, they have to go the old @POTUS_Schedule fag route by calling those that don't believe it shills.
The bottom line for me is the dialog in the stories is worse than the stuff in B movies.
And, how many ded Gitmo'd people they've mentioned are still making statements today?
I've lost count at this point.
Banhammering anyone posting it or trying to keep it off the board?
Hell no.
But, keeping it out of the Notables?
Hell yes.
This is a sauced based board.
Letting RRN be in there just opens the door to all kinds of unsauced fuckery (like LARPwood) getting in there.
There should be some kind of standards here.
Yes, and you sauced the Color Rev stuff at the time.
And doc and others kept it out of the Notes.
RRN isn't sauced like that.
So, kinda apple/oranges comparison.
Everybody here is aware of RRN plenty.
That's not an issue at all.
This latest bruhaha was about Doge putting it in the Notables in a ha ha eat shit Anons kinda way last night.
Knowing it would cause triggering and literally shaking to occur.
Mission accomplished.
You already know I'm on record about Notables shouldn't be newsbot and just diggs / solid Anon opines stuff.
So, I say neither, but I'm in the minority when it comes to those thoughts re: The Bloatables.
I get the strange bedfellows aspect of what you're saying.
And I have no idea why the usual suspects pile on RRN other than it's just another slide tool to them.
I don't care, either.
But, I do care about highlighting sauced diggs instead of stuff like RRN which is closer to being just another LARPwood production than the truth.
If the Notables are going to be done right that is.
> about one particular site
What I posted applies to other similar sites as well.
But, others aren't the topic at hand right now.
RRN is.