>>15232038 lb
"In the end, God wins."
But it seems to me, at this point, that will only happen at the actual "end". When our Creator and Savior returns to destroy the wicked and establish a world kingdom of justice and peace.
Until then, if this is actually the end time as described in Revelation, life will continue to become more and more like a hell on earth. Managed by a tiny minority of sadistic people who are obligated ot carry out the plans of God's enemy because they willingly traded their eternal souls for power and riches.
Every person alive right now will be required to choose which side they are going to live and die for. Those who side with the destroyers/liers to maintain their standard of living in the short term will be allowed to continue their lives with some level of income, comfort, and pleasure. A few of them will volunteer or be coerced not just to passively accept the new way of things, but to actively participate in carrying out the system of control, and those people will be given more money/fame/power according to their effectiveness.
But quickly over time all of those people, whether participants or just go-alongs, will be required to continually give up more and more of their free-will, eventually to the point that they will not be allowed (or maybe even physically able) to say anything, do anything, go anyplace, or have any thought that has not been assigned to them by the system. They will be required daily to swear allegiance and bow in submission to the system, and literally worship the power behind the system as their god.
Those who side with Truth and His promise of future justice and eternal life will lose all their freedoms and comforts one by one. Eventually they will not have the legal right to own anything, work any job, access any funds, have any voice online or in public, or purchase anything, even food or utilities. Those who do not die of starvation, lack of medicine, no heat in the winter, no AC in the summer, etc, will eventually be tracked down and exectuted.
He who attempts to save his worldly life will lose his eternal soul, but he who is willing to lose his worldly life will retain his eternal soul. (my paraphrase of Luke 17:33)
For a while I was hopeful that we are not currently living through the actual final years of this world, but it makes the most sense to me right now and explains a lot of things. I would be glad to be wrong, and maybe any day now justice will be served, truth will be unleashed, and mankind will enter a new golden age. But if it turns out this is really the Great Tribulation I need to be able to face that and deal with it the best I can. It would not mean that there is no reason to go on, or to strive for goodness, or care about people. But it would mean that I need to prepare myself for going through much worse than I already have, which is the last thing I wanted to hear. But I'm willing to face the possibility. And try to live through it as long as I can, if that's what it is. Somehow, by God's grace and guidance.