Don’t call them that ya racist fuck!
Crack is whack.
We need more fluorocarbons.
Urgently need them before that hole closes completely!
Why is Biden squawking about vaxxes and not this?!
For Senator Grassley:
Why is lying to the government a crime?
If the FBI questioned me ever I should be under no obligation of honesty. They aren’t.
The LD-50 for sodium azide in rats is 27 mg/kg.
“Average” adult human weight is 72kg (for physiological testing purposes).
If rat = man, then about 2 grams per each person of sodium azide would be required to kill 50% of those exposed.
Sodium azide
is a slide.
Not familiar with that toxicology literature.
Source is data sheet on sodium azide.
Intriguing notion if minuscule doses would initially impact pulmonary tissue. I suspect brain and kidneys hit first by lowish doses (they get most cardiac output).
Just don’t tell anyone the results.
I tested positive and informed my work. Ever since telling them, my phone runs warm and sucks the battery down fast.