Anonymous ID: f9421e May 23, 2018, 7:30 p.m. No.1523611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3699 >>3732



Mastika Peshtera is a Bulgarian aniseed liqueur sometimes called the Bulgarian Ouzo.


You can see the Turkic origin ethnic origins of the Bulgars on the table. Some type of meat on skewers similar to Turkish Köfte, there is a dairy dribk, perhaps kefir or drinking yogurt. Bulgaria is the country that introduced yogurt to the Western World and many people there still make their own at home every day. And there is a jar with some kind of pickled vegetables. It was the Turkic people who developed this way of food preservation and took it with them to Korea (kimchi), to Russia and to Germany (sauerkraut).


Bulgars were a multi-ethnic confederation that fought with Khazars, was conquered by the Khazar empire and then freed from the Khazars when the Slavic Rus attacked and destroyed Atil, the Khazar capital. Bulagrs were ruled by a Turkic tribe when they settled in the Balkans, but among them were Iranian peoples like Pashto, and Slavs and others. Their language eventually settled on an Iranian Slavic dialect which we now call Bulgarian.


They had a very large influence on Russian language and culture because the Bulgar were more educated, accepted Christianity first and then spread it into Russia. Like English where learned words have a Latin origin and common ones have a German origin, in Russian, learned words have an Old Bulgarian origin and common ones are from a more pure Slavic origin. The Old Bulgarian language is still used in the Orthodox churches where it is called Old Church Slavonic.


Bulgaria is a great country to visit because it is so rich in ancient folklore. Make sure to get away from the coastal beaches and explore a bit. Great weather in the summer.

Anonymous ID: f9421e May 23, 2018, 7:45 p.m. No.1523770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3776



Is that one of those Russian air force angels?

Their fighter jet formations will make an angel like that at airshows, and if there is a bit of wind, it would smear like what your photo shows.

Anonymous ID: f9421e May 23, 2018, 8:10 p.m. No.1524057   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I see it!

I see it now, clearly

Flat Earth reside in the DREAM

It is a rehearsal studio

Where human souls

Step up

And play their roles

Under the watchful eyes of the director

Honing their performances

So that they can get it right

On opening night

When they awaken

Into the real world

On a globe of fire covered by plates of rock

And oceans of water

And a living, breathing skin

This globe hurtles through the emptiness of vast endless soace

But our players do not worry

They do not fret about getting it right

Because they have rehearsed it all on the small stage

At the rehearsal hall called Flat Earth

Behind the library at the end of

Hopeful street

In the DREAM.


Which is more real

A globe hurtling through endless space

Like a ship in stormy seas

Where We Go One, We Go All

Or the DREAM

Where we can create and destroy

By the power of our thoughts

You must decide my dear anons

Perhaps the DREAM is more real

Than your precious Albatross

When the White Squall hits

You may long for the safety

Of Flat Earth waiting for you

In the DREAM

Anonymous ID: f9421e May 23, 2018, 8:13 p.m. No.1524088   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Just think how CNN will react

To my words

Of poetry


Will it blow their minds

As shadows dance wildly in the echo chamber of the cave?

Or will they ignore it

Fearful that I may hold the truth

Between the cracks of my words

Between the meanings of my allusions

In between


Impossible to grasp, to hold

Like a firm breast

Or a tumescent organ

Of love

Who can say

How CNN will react to this?