This one works
No one really talks about Crowhouse on here (Max Igan) and regardless of what you think of him, he's on to something about the vaxx.
The vaxx is an operating system and each booster is a piece of it. So they need to keep injecting people to make it all fit together.
NOT a conspiracy theory. They can do this. He's got the scientific papers going all the way back to 2011.
It makes sense. HUGE recent push for "Metaverse" - FB even changes its name. They want us in pods, anons. And the vaxx is how they get the sheeple in there.
There are some seriously evil people in this vid. One bitch talking about how they will control everything about you from the INSIDE OUT and isn't it great - on a NEWSCAST. Then looks surprised when the anchor says, "Little bit Orwellian, isn't it?"
Fucking crazy shit.
Interbody Nano Network
Internet of BODIES
>Missile. was the N, not Nuke? Not [N]WO but Nano tech?
Every time I feel like I've figured something out, I get a new piece of the puzzleโฆ kek
The fuckery in 2020 was insane. Every day we had to crawl in through the vent. We were ALL posting on Tor for a few weeks there. No other way to get the board to load. DNS fuckery. It was crazy.
2021 was a cake walk.
Yeah, there's def something to this.
I'm not really worried about vaccine/Trump
Not taking it.
But if it is an operating system, then what we have is not a planned genocidewhich is greatbut these deaths are just people truly having a reaction to the nanotech.
Here's the bright side - if it is an OS, then they can't USE IT until it's complete.
>The way I understand it, the net has to go down in order to unfuck it, so to speak.
Hearing the same about economy.