>Darwin Award winners
Wales has already lowered the voting age to 16.
Now why would they want to this?
It couldn't be that left can more easily manipulate the youth through their Marxist led education system, could it?
Whilst in the NE Brazilian city of João Pessoa recently, I found posters in nearly every shop warning that discrimination against homos was illegal and carries a fine, whilst discrimination against the non vaxxed was not only acceptable, but mandated by the Government.
And here in Rio, you cannot even stay in a hotel without a vaxx passport.
>The more I see the happier I am to know I'll be dead by the time things get really ugly.
Anon is hopeful of the whole fucking temple crashing down before it reaches that point.
Looks like the Clintons will be in the crossfire before them.
Anon would like to believe that the most radical states and countries with the most liberty destroying policies are being used as exemplifiers to help open the eyes of the sheeple when the truth is finally revealed.
>experts are really fucking dumb and incompetent.
This is the opposite of what they are.
It is just that they have an agenda in which truth and reality play no part.
Which branch of glownigger provocateur are you with?
Interesting, I could hear the two distinctly, depending on what I concentrated on and not which I was reading, but not one of three Brazilians who watched this could hear brainstorm.