>Are we ready for board migration?
It's like I was able to see the future.
I'm not indicting anons, I'm just tired of being the only one that seems to see the fuckery and ever say anything about it. This shit has been going on for months and 90% of the time it seems as though I am the only one that speaks up. Only to be counter by a literal army of IP hopping shills. A week later and Barkeep still doesn't have an answer to why his notable was deleted, which happens CONSTANTLY. When he asked the baker in questions only response, I don't respond to stuff like that. I'm tired of trying to open anons eyes with little to no support from anyone else. If you need evidence of this simply go back and look at me trying to inform anons of what was happening with Endchan and /Warroom/ 7 months ago. It's all there baking class 7, 8, 11, 12. The same names then were calling me a shill when I spoke up are the same names now.
Trust me, I get that it isn't easy to stand up to a group of shills and be attacked by them. It's demoralizing, but if you don't stand up eventually you aren't going to have the chance. I collected TONS of evidence, created a bread specifically so anons would have a place to document all the fuckery and posted the evidence for days. Anons simply don't care, or maybe they don't have the luxury to be here as much as me and see what's going on. Eventually they will though.
1 /warroom/ link has turned into how many /QRmemes/ links? How long before the /qrmemes/ board is pointing anons to endchan directly? Give it time because it will happen. I didn't make ad hominem attacks, I documented EVERYTHING and laid it all out. NO ONE CARES. NO ONE. THE SIMPLE FACT THAT ALL THE BAKERS ON COMMS ARE FIGHTING SO HARD TO DISCREDIT/HIDE THIS BREAD SHOULD BE A HUGE RED FLAG.
I love the Anons, I love Q. But if truth and transparency is really what Anons care about, it can't be half way. The kitchen is comp'd, end of story. Notables are deleted often. And even more often important information is excluded from notables and are completely forgotten. This should have been clear as day after a week went by with anons trying to get Color Revolution information into the bread and bakers refused it, a week later Q posts about Color Revolutions. Again, everyone saw this happen and no one stood up and asked why the fuck "bakers" were refusing to add information about current political happenings in our country that could be extremely important for the public to know. I thought we were the news now. Now ask yourself if that anon would EVER be willing to put that much effort into digging again after that? If it was me I know I wouldn't. We aren't the news, we could be, but as of right now we are a news aggregator and pipeline to MSM websites that are filling their pockets with continuous traffic that we send their way. Anons don't even archive shit anymore.
Look at the dough, count how many off-board links are there now. More and more will be added and anons will continue to be split off. Because that is their plan. Divide and Conquer. More and more breads will be moved to /comms/ and /QRmemes/ until they finish the narrative that BO is comp'd and successfully convince anons to all migrate to a board they have control over. The question I can't answer is why Q is allowing it. It is OBVIOUS that Q has called out the kitchen multiple times, yet anons never act to right the ship.
How much more obvious can it get than a baker deleting notables about Cannibal Club the exact same day that Q posted about Cannibal Club. It wasn't an accident. It was done on purpose but no one pays attention and just like that the entire dig was over. Not only did the baker delete the notable, he changed the bread numbers that night and completely ignored the ANONS shouting to not delete it, after he tried to hide what he was deleting. The next morning no one knew what was deleted and when anons spoke up his team of shills attacked them and as always anymore no other anons spoke up to defend what was right.
Anons are saving the world, but how much further would we be if we weren't being subverted EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Complacency is what got us in this mess and now complacency is hindering our progress. There is 0 denying at this point Rainman and AFLB are directly linked to the /comms/ board. NONE.
A Week straight of posting all that evidence and all it takes for anons to ignore it is for 5-6 shills to scream NOT TRUE FAGGOT and it is forgotten. No Meta in the dough, deleted and no one said shit, 5 seperate links added to /QRmemes/ since yesterday with no discussion with anons. NO ONE SAYS SHIT. Anons just sit there and go along.
No one else seems to care. I wasn't kidding last night, even though I was extremely frustrated I meant what I said, I quit. Not because I don't love the mission, not because I don't love the Anons, and not because I don't love Q. I quit because what Qresearch once was is no more, this place was special at one point because of the people that populated it. Not Q, they were the catalyst that brought us together, but it was the anons that cared more about truth and answers than anything else that made this place. That culture is gone, anons are fine with bakers pulling the shit they have in recent months because they have been conditioned to be fine with it.
You have to give it to them, their methods/psyops are exceptionally effective.
Create a culture to where bakers are above reproach and can never be questioned. TYB
Mercilessly attack any dissenters even if the dissent is legitimate.
Multi-UID attack anyone to create a consensus that baker=good anon=shill
If the heat gets to be too much fake/stealth hand-off.
All sins are forgotten next bread/bake.
Attack any bakers that are not on the team.
Gaslight them when you think they are not around.
Here's a nice little experiment, go back and look at how many times they have posted OSS is the precursor to the C_A so that they can try to get anons to subconsciously to associate me with the enemy. Psychological warfare. Do you think that since I exposed AFLB as GB and part of the /comms/ crew it is an accident they are suddenly spamming 50 times a bread that I posted CP? Do you think it is an accident that now anyone that calls out the baker is shut down with FUCK OFF OSS?
Q flat out said, do not glorify us we work for you. He also should have said do not glorify bakers, they work for you. And I say this as someone that used to bake. Hence, the reason I used to tell anons NOT to thank me, but thank other anons. I deleted all of my memes. I deleted all of my offline archives. I would delete this account but I know if I do AFLB/GB or one of the crew would just create a pastebin with the same name and go stupid on the board pretending to be me. You have no idea what I have been through because of this place. That Netflix stuff wasn't a joke. They know who I am personally, I was literally risking my life with this place. You saw GYB threaten me on /comms/, you saw the netflix post, you saw what the person threatening me was responding to - me saying I exposed that person for deleting notables late at night. Why should I continue to risk myself with no one behind me. These bakers are NOT who you think they are, eventually you'll figure it out.
>We have to migrate to a new board
>This faggot literally shut down the entire catalog and then the next day locked all the threads
>BV is out of control
>We are fucking tired of this petty shit
I know, we should all go to QRB!