One might want to prepare new bread first before locking two other breads. Just an idea.
I guess I'll post this again.
TheoryVaccine is an operating systemEach booster is a component. Lots of research data and people on newscasts saying they WILL CONTROL US FROM THE INSIDE OUT using graphene, quantum dots, and hydrogel swimmers.
Good vid on what might actually be happening.
This one?
My internet is borked.
And my dissenter browser is double borked. kek
Thanks for posting BitChute embed. I don't know how to make that work.
Board is a place for us now.
Yes, you can get everything in notables on Telegram. But you have to look for it. You can get most of it on the nightly X22. But that's just highlights.
QR is important.
Notables are important.
I'm not baker, so I don't care about the kitchen, but if others do, then fuck it. Fix the fucking kitchen.
That's how I see it.
WATCH this anon
Explains everything.
Beware - you will be PISSED.
Anyone who is bitching right now is 100% clown.
Go to your new board, glowies.
(and tittypussy for the keks - if you know, you know)
I hope anons are ready.
THEY WILL destroy this economy.
It's gonna happen.
I don't know what happens after - hopefully white hats take over.
But DS MUST destroy this economy and they will do it.
They know they are running out of time because TruthSocial comes online 2-21-22.
2-22-22 - everything changes.
Oh, I remember.