…with Generals and the Armies that obey them.
These strange times are what it must be like to be having a bad acid trip while trying to do research on people who are having bad acid trips.
As if any of the research or deepdigs matter if the 2020 election results remain unchanged.
A United States of America election was stolen, and the criminals who did it are going to do it again unless they realize consequences immediately.
Did this type of job used to be called a spy?
…involvement in a program designed to recruit people with knowledge of foreign technology and intellectual property to China.
This is the United States of America in the year 2021, not 1 politician or "authority" person will be found guilty of treason/spying/election fraud/breaking Nuremburg codes etc…
And definately no politician or "authority" is going to hang or become imprisoned.
The fuck you think this is a place full of Patriots in the 1700's?
>Ignore them live your life
Agree… the shitposts coming out of D.C. and every other institution of "authority" need to be disregarded, ignored, and treated as white noise.
Oh cool…
now what happens when the Administration sells the tech to the Chinks or leaves the tech behind for the sand niggers and skinnies?