>is the BO active?
Who cares, lol
BV can't ban us for wrong-think
That's all that matters to this anon
>are there any BVs?
Nope. Not even sure there's an active BO, kek
Posted originally as a joke to piss OSS off
Guess it gained traction though
The CSS is fire, after all
><Inserts another Reddit Space for Emphasises
>Feel free to have fun there
Oh I feel free, and am having fun, here and there.
Having fun everywhere!
>see /projectdcomms/
>why the heavy attacks?!
See BV and companies attacks, they can be boiled down to attacking B
AKA the last one to post on /projectdcomms/
In fact, one could argue, it's what set "BV" off his rocker in the first place
But what do I know, I've only been banned here since that all took place
>you are MUH if you fall for this
>it's one of [MUH] tactics
>to try to MUH us up
>it's MUH, real anons are out doin MUH (cuz we aint skared of some MUH)
>and [MUH] are taking advantage
>MUH BV is playing into it, knowingly or not
>MUH gets us no where
>that's why this is /MUHRESEARCH/ (emphasis added)
>MUH it up, ignore the MUH, and be MUH and MUH for the MUH of MUH we MUH here, even if it's a MUH!
>suck it up frens, WWMUH1WMUHA
cool story bro, but you're still licking BV boots ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yup, bye
you may now lick the boot