Anon doesn’t understand it. When it started there was decent convo happening . Isn’t a shill bread a real bread as long as good things happen within it? Too tarded to get what goes on behind the scenes
Anon doesn’t understand it. When it started there was decent convo happening . Isn’t a shill bread a real bread as long as good things happen within it? Too tarded to get what goes on behind the scenes
Anon has been having some weird/crazy dreams to scary dreams. One anon was at a location where a Trump even was going to be held and USSS had the site locked down. SS agents and what looked like heavily armed “swat”. Coulda been military. They were searching high and low checking every nook and cranny to make it safe for him. Anon was just walking around, the only normal person, and they didn’t care and because they trusted anon and would say hi. Was pretty weird. Just woke up from another dream that was scary but that was about anons personal life so need to explain but it shook anon. Crazy dream cycles habbening
That’s a shortsighted approach and lack of vision. Elections are fixed. “It had to be this way”. Potato had to “take office, whether an illusion or not, to show the world the truth. Do you really think that’s even the real Joe? This strikingly seems like a military op. Who really has control? If you don’t vote that’s just silly. 2020 was “rigged” on purpose. A dragnet
Do you quit at board games and cry too when things aren’t going your way? Betcha you have flipped many-a games off the table and threw many hissy fits
Better analogy: let’s say you’re playing poker or whatever game at the casino with a cheater and The House lets them cheat to ban them from the casino.You’ll get “your money” back
>want my President Trump back.
Literally every real supporter does. He plays the long game though. Anon has been broken from 2020 election but understand the bigger picture somewhat. It’s extremely difficult to be patient when his supporters and supporters of a truly free world are so mentally, emotionally, and physically, and even spiritually connected to it. Anon has very strong faith in what is happening even though anon doesn’t know more than 2% tops of the plan. Anon is deeply hurt by 2020, like many other things that happened to him along the way during his first term, but still believes. Faith. It’s not blind faith, it’s deep faith
Guess shil tactic of the morning is: don’t vote, fuck this… again.
Anons theory is the public has always been given The Flintsones version of tech, which we already know… but wayyyyyyy more than people realize. Picture if “The Big Lie” is mankind has been around for millions and millions or even billions of years and tech we use now is from 17 gorillion years ago. Perhaps being a little exaggerative but what if it isn’t?
Nothing new under the sun. Could be they just kept humanity running in circles with “discovering new tech” while they kept it for themselves and everyone else living oblivious. Just two cents and food for thought. Anon has no clue
Mirror. The Hammer was “brought down” not used. › evidence-cia-scorecard-and-the-hammer-used-to-alter-election-counting-machines-for-biden
Yesterday on the War Room, Gen McInerney revealed that the Obama administration added an application to The Hammer called Scorecard, which he says, "Changes votes at a certain point in the voting stream - and by the way, the Obama administration used it in the 2012 Elections in Florida and both Obama and Biden are very familiar with this.
>What is to keep it from happening again?
Imagine that’s probably classified at the moment but The Cyber Symposium probably hinted at what may have happened behind the scenes post-2018 midterms. Day after. Anon trusts that post. Could simply go back to pulling a lever on “tracked” paper. Could do a lot of things. It’s not anons area of expertise but had 2018 midterms and 2020 elections being “stolen”, how would you “clean house” of everyday folk that work the polls? Just think deeper man. You obviously realize how many people hate 45 so badly, even some old lady that hates/hated him so badly, that they would cheat the numbers. Students, hippies, lunch ladies… they needed to find them all. That’s just one aspect out of many many but an important one. Perhaps they get a free pass for being poor and brainwashed by mockingbird, but they shouldn’t be able to work the polls anymore. Many small details, tiny details, needed fixed not just the voting machines. Expanded thinking by Jack Handy
>could not sleep
Story of anons life. Anon fell asleep last night for less than 3 hours and it felt like a full nights sleep. Looked at the clock, 12:45am. Anon was like What the fuck!? Thought it was going to say 6am but nope. Another semi-sleepless night
>those who know can not sleep shit
Imagine anons and others have been targeted by some kind of tech to keep us awake and that what it means? A multiple meaning. Anon rules nothing out
Go to the medicine cabinet and get out your Midol, take as many as directed for the remainder of your period