Pretty clear your side knows this is all backfiring on them… given the concerted effort to shift blame for the coming misery on Trump.
Same old shit… different day.
Pretty clear your side knows this is all backfiring on them… given the concerted effort to shift blame for the coming misery on Trump.
Same old shit… different day.
Trump never involves himself in things until he is sure he can get a good outcome. He smells a trap, as do I, and no amount of this kind of juvenile BS is going to get him to act too soon.
You know this… and your attempts to deflect from the truth are doomed. As, I might add: are you.
The attempts on his life, by the DS, belie the entire premise of your scripted narrative.
True vaccines are really a massive achievement. And, given the luck the enemy has had in ever forcing his hand (zero), the latest effort is yet another exercise in futility.
Gonna need your credentials before I take anything you assert as fact.
Also, not my job to catch you up… you can clearly display your ignorance without my help.
I'm old, but remember the last case of polio in my area. Went to school with the little girl who had been condemned to wearing 20# of steel, for the rest of her life.
I can't speak to RNA therapy, no expertise… only my experience. IMO, the success of that gave many of us a false trust in modern medicine that is about to kill a bunch of us.
Agreed. And, what will be remembered most is that he believed his followers are smart enough not to take his word for anything, without proof.
>>15247010 I haven't the knowledge to refute this, or even discount it.
One thing I can state: It was the "success" of it (real or imagined) that made many Americans far more trusting than is good for them.
If you can find a chart, or make one, I'd be happy to put real work into a meme to widen the awareness of this.
I already know what will kill me, unless I take measures to choose and implement something else, and won't be around long enough to put real study into all this. Would love to help, but the heavy lifting is going to have to be up to those possibly affected by this latest Medical Malice