Oy Vey, Shut it Down…
>it's a total war on anything good that's left in this world…
Yeah, quit it with the understandably emotive labels, they'll just use them to divide. Boil it down to its pure essence.
Good vs. Evil
Light vs. Darkness
Anons vs. Clown/JIDF/CCP Shills
One of the last great Voices and true Patriots in the U.S. Senate really laying the wood to Mengele Fauci.
>with ongoing strobe effect in peripheral vision.
First time anyone has described the three years now, strange effect I've been experiencing (w/o Ivermectin). Always thought it was a blood pressure issue. Anon, do the lights move in a semi-arc in the peripheral of both eyes, like a 'part of a 'pinwheel'?
"What does flashing lights in peripheral vision mean?
When the vitreous gel inside your eye rubs or pulls on the retina, you may see what looks like flashing lights or lightening streaks. You may have experienced this sensation if you have ever been hit in the eye and see "stars." These flashes of light can appear off and on for several weeks or months."
"Why Are You Seeing Flashes of Light in the Corner of Your Eye?"
"Eye-related causes
Posterior vitreous detachment. This is one of the most common causes of flashes of light in your eye. It typically happens as you get older. With posterior vitreous detachment, the vitreous humor detaches from the retina. If it happens too quickly, it can cause small flashes of light, usually in the corner of your vision. It can also cause floaters. This condition doesn’t usually require treatment.
Optic neuritis. Optic neuritis happens when the optic nerve becomes inflamed. This can be caused by an infection or a nerve-related disorder such as multiple sclerosis. Flashes of light can be a symptom of this condition.
Retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is a serious condition that can cause partial or complete loss of vision. When this happens, the retina detaches, shifts, or moves away from the back wall of the eye.
Pressure on the retina. If you rub your eyes, cough too hard, or get hit on the head, you may notice flashes of light due to extra pressure on the retina."
I dunno about you but it looks like just moar of the downward spiral of becoming an old fukk anon. Like "harmless floaters". However, after past 18 months, I TRUST NOTHING on the Internet health-related.
A big heads up, which BTW anons have neglected for quite a while, have been the premature and unnatural deaths of the dozen+ alternative medical/medicine Internet influencers this past decade. Fukk big pharma and the AMA. Just research the horrific story about
Raymond Royal Rife v Morris Fishbein
and this one tale will tell us all we need to know about the millions tortured, maimed and murdered and the trillions of $$$ made by the "treatment" of Cancer for well over a century.
Carry on. That is all.