but don't forgot to take your poison shot - otherwise the healthy are going to overload the hospitals… winning!
but don't forgot to take your poison shot - otherwise the healthy are going to overload the hospitals… winning!
The unvaccinated are heros - fighting medical tyranny and for the people's freedom. If the pandemic was real and vaccines worked, you can bet your bottom dollar patriots would support it. This one is CLEARLY a solid CON JOB, from BIg Pharma to Trump…
Just heard the full Candice Owen interview of Trump - he sounds weak and tired… the empty winning is going to shit.
If only Trump was as honest as this senator - 45 is a loser.
Seal Team 6 need to step on these two maggots from hell.
Guess why criminals don't believe in God?
Trump sounds weak and lost in the last interview - all the winning has done his head in.
After anal sex, they mixed up their cloths by mistake.
Trump is controlled opposition - he is tied to Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Oil etc… he just being exposed more and more for the con man he is.
Natural Immunity has no such weakness.
I'm sure no one tampered with them in the past years - you can trust politicians never to tamper with election machines, NOT!