Workers quitting if there is a mandate is what will force Bidan's hand.
I think that's why Bidan's having Psucki use Trump to push up the vax rate. Trump is still holding with not forcing the vax, though, and that the best immunity is having had covid.
Being vocal about the effectiveness of the vax and still wanting business as usual is what's driving the lockdowns. There's a visible enemy the MSM can rail upon.
Quitting and making do is another animal, entirely. If people see the anti-vaxxers tell big business to fuck off, adjust to a different economical model and that is successful he division tactic will fail, as well as the economy the administration wants to push. Airlines have already said no mas. It works.
That why, IMO, Trump said denying the vaccine works is playing into their hands. Trump is still saying it shouldn't be mandatory. By saying they work, or that "his" 3 work, he's going back to the original intention of warp speed, stopping the lockdowns, ditching the masks and going back to business as usual. That's where we were heading when Bidan stole the election.
The vaccines are the leg of the stool that prevents Trump detractors from saying that Trump is denying "that there's a problem or the "science". It's what DeSantis is doing. Open up because there are protective measures in place if you choose to take them.