The underlying issue is the China virus. Trump maintains, and bases his actions on the belief that China released a virulent virus out into the world at large.
If you don't believe he's correct and that's the reason there shouldn't be a vax, then go try to sell that somewhere. Unless you have something to back it up, people aren't going to listen. I'm not talking about being correct or incorrect, just that no one is going to listen, because the country is closed down and they want that fixed.
If there is a virus, as Trump maintains, and the lockdowns, masks and the throttling of the US economy resulted from an actual disease, then he's tasked to remedy that.
Trump suggested therapeutics and herd immunity and that was shot down by "science" and the MSM. Fauci said only a vaccine will do, come back in 5 to 12 years and we'll talk.
Trump looks around and sees that methods are available to roll out a vaccine in less than a year. The US economy is dependent on this vaccine. Are there questions about it's safety? Yes, any vaccine has side effects, and an experimental vaccine potentially more so. Are the side effects enough to keep the economy on ice and the country under the control of Fauci for 5 to 12 years, as well as suffering under the side effects that plague a locked own country? That's Trump's call.
So we're back to the original question of the existence of a virus at all that is causing a disease named Covid? Denying a vaccine is necessary because there's no virus is an opinion that, in my opinion, no one will listen to.
If the case for a China released virus is strong, and Trump would be in a better position to know than most, denying the vaccine is effective or implying the risk is too high ignores the necessary weighing in of societal side effects due to no medical measures being in place to keep society open.