That's not a decimal point, you damn savage!
You mean metronome.
Yes, that's a metronome.
You're already in, tard.
Good thing this whole thing isn't about Trump and personal feelz.
God is real but Santa Claus is fake?
Only a delusional mind thinks there are supernatural beings taking a personal interest in their deeds in order to reward them later.
If "God" is real, why does he allow them to exist in the first place?
>i still use the messenger service to redpill fam and frens
You should start by telling them all about the evils of FB and get them off that particular sauce.
So was it Santa Claus or "God" that gifted this to you, tard?
No matter, see you next bread.
Totally not a masonic satanist.
Appear weak when, Anon?
Yes, Operation Warp Speed was never about muh coronaโข.
Deep-dish fits them better.
Stick that rosary up your ass.