Anonymous ID: 086048 May 23, 2018, 10:44 p.m. No.1525432   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5453


Can't hang for long bro, falling asleep here, but I'd definitely use notepad++ or notepad.

Maybe go to >>>/comms/ and do a quick test bake, then come back here and get your bake ready early. Don't post it, just prepare by adding your image, title and first post, all ready to post at 650. That'll give you plenty of time. Here's some notables I collected if you want to include or not, up to you.

Godspeed new baker, here's wishing you all the very best!


>>1525217 Steve Bannon BBC interview

>>>>1524044 , >>1524970 Patriots Soapbox shows 2500 YT'bers how to get to and navigate /qresearch/

>>1525244 Alleged MKULTRA Victims to File Lawsuit in Canada

>>1525218 Trump threatens aid cut to countries that do not stop MS-13 gang migrants


new baker confirmed