Anonymous ID: 477036 Dec. 24, 2021, 11:51 p.m. No.15251434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1437

>>15244466 (pb)


Letter sent to the FAA



(1) Notice to FAA That Pilots Are Operating Commercial Aircraft in Contravention of Do-Not-Fly

Regulations – Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations §61.53 (also known as Federal Aviation Regulation

61.53) and Associated Guidance – Which Disallow Medical Clearance of Pilots Who Has Injected

NON-FDA Approved Medical Products, such as COVID-19 Vaccinations;


(2) Notice to FAA That Pilots Have Suffered Death and Serious Injury Post-COVID-Vaccinations;


(3) Notice to FAA that Signors Are Aware That Complaints Were Made to FAA Concerning this Issue;


(4) Notice That Pilots Flying with Abnormal D-Dimer Values, Which Indicate Active Blood Clotting, Are

at Elevated Risk for Pulmonary Embolism, Stroke, Arrhythmias, Cardiac Arrest & Death While In-Flight;


(5) Notice That Pilots Flying with Abnormal Troponin Values and/or New ECG Changes/Cardiac MRI

Changes – Which Indicate Active Heart Damage and Possible Acute Myocarditis – Are at Elevated Risk

for Arrhythmias, Cardiac Arrest, and Death While In-Flight;


(6) Given That Both the FAA & Commercial Airline Industry Appear to Have Violated Long-Standing

CFR Regulations Which Disallow Medical Clearance of Pilots Who Have Received NON-FDA Approved

Products – Lest “Aeromedically Significant Adverse Effects Manifest” – and Further Given the Wholesale

Disregard of Evidence Indicating That Such Aeromedically Significant Effects Are In Fact Currently

Occurring In Pilot Populations, Signors Hereto Request that the FAA Immediately Adopt a Proactive

Screening Program Requiring All Vaccinated Pilots to Undergo Medical Re-Certification Within Four

Weeks of the Date of this Letter to Include D-Dimer, Troponin and ECG Tests, as well as Cardiac MRIs,

and Medically Clear ONLY Vaccinated Pilots Who Can Show a Clean Bill of Health on ALL Tests;


(7) Notice to the FAA, All Commercial Airline Companies, and All Carriers Insuring Commercial Airlines

That a Failure to Immediately Investigate this Issue, Correctly Apply Federal Do-Not-Fly Regulations –

and Ground All Vaccinated Pilots Who Cannot Show Clean D-Dimer, Troponin, ECG and Cardiac MRI

Tests – Could Lead to a Catastrophic Event Involving Mass Fatalities, Causing At-Fault Parties to Suffer

Monetary Liability Potentially Extending to USD Hundreds of Millions.





Anonymous ID: 477036 Dec. 25, 2021, midnight No.15251437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1442 >>1443

>>15244466 (pb)





The attorneys, medical doctors, and other experts who authored this letter have become aware of thefact that the commercial airline industry, pilots, and Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”)appear to be together operating in violation of Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations §61.53 2(also known as Federal Aviation Regulation 61.53) and Related Guidance which prohibit pilots fromflying with non-FDA approved agents in their bodies like the COVID-19 inoculation, and in amanner that puts the general public at risk of death and/or serious injury. We lead with ourconclusion, and ask that the FAA immediately take action to remedy this problem by:


1) Medically flagging all vaccinated pilots.


2) Within four weeks of this letter, having said pilots undergo thorough medicalre-examinations to include D-Dimer tests (to check for blood clotting problems), Troponintests (to check for Troponin in the blood, which is a protein that is released when the heartmuscle has been damaged), post-vaccination ECG analysis (also known as EKG, whichchecks the electrical signals which determine cardiac health), and cardiac MRI and PULSTest (to determine heart health). Inclusion of the cardiac MRI as a screening test for pilots iscritical, as a recent study showed that using only ECG results and symptoms to screenpatients resulted in a 7.4 under-diagnosing of actual myocarditis,1 while the PULS Test isalso critical as a study published last month showed that “Mrna COVID Vaccinesdramatically increase … inflammatory markers” and that the risk of Acute CoronarySyndrome more than doubled in those vaccinated, leading the authors to conclude that“the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines dramatically increase inflammation … on the endotheliumand T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, and may account for the observations of increasedthrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”2


3) Medically de-certifying and grounding all pilots who fail any one of the above tests orwho otherwise show symptoms indicative of possible blood-clotting issues or myocarditis(such as chest pain, shortness of breath, decreased exercise tolerance, or new heartpalpitations) – and re-testing said pilots at six week intervals until all subjective and objectivefindings return to levels that are aeromedically acceptable (including D-dimer, Troponin,ECG and cardiac MRI findings in aeromedically acceptable ranges) and until clean bills ofhealth issue.


4) From this point forward, only allowing commercial aircraft to be operated by pilots whocan show D-Dimer and Troponin tests – as well as cardiac MRIs, ECGs and PULS tests – ataeromedically acceptable levels, and a clean medical examination undertaken a minimum offive (5) days after each COVID-19 vaccine and after each COVID “booster” shot, as areview of reporting systems such as the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(“VAERS”) indicates that the current FAA wait time of two (2) days is insufficient to detecta significant number of blood clotting and myocarditis cases (which are manifesting morethan 48 hours post-inoculation).